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  1. Scott™

    Lego men crash landed in.....

    I must be off my face posting this in here. Oh well. Continued.... After travelling many hours through the marshy land the Lego men reached a rock outcrop where they were able to take a short break and asses their situation. Lego Adventure by scott.thomas21, on Flickr They were all...
  2. Scott™

    ND16 Filter

    The giga t pro is amazing Andy. Used one the other night on star trails. I could of left the camera for a day and it would of performed. Shame I had to stay to stop it being pinched.
  3. Scott™

    Its first pics...

    You need to post the IMG code not the http one.
  4. Scott™

    Its first pics...

    Looks good and welcome to the forum....... 31 posts later.
  5. Scott™

    Lego men crash landed in.....

    Yea I appreciate I'm a looser lol. But the gf is working evenings and I'm still a child at heart :) My focusing is off in most the pictures but hopefully you will see it get better as the story unfolds.
  6. Scott™

    Lego men crash landed in.....

    Just a bit of fun to try my hand at different photography. I hope you all follow the story :D
  7. Scott™

    Lego men crash landed in.....

    my back garden and now they are off on their adventure. Here lies the epic journey of four Lego Men who crash landed in my garden. Stay tuned to follow their journey The crash site Lego Adventure by scott.thomas21, on Flickr After realising the ship was destroyed, they realised they...
  8. Scott™

    London baby!

    A great set of images.
  9. Scott™

    My new 172

    Look's tidy that. Also keen to know how the yoko's go. s**t in the rain I heard. Just got some conti sports for mine.
  10. Scott™

    Sticker Bombing ....what you think of my attempt ?

    Usually like this stuff but that doesn't do it for me. Neither do the silver screws in your number plate.
  11. Scott™

    just fitted new splitter

    Looks good. Nice and simple.
  12. Scott™

    365/52 2011 :)

    Week 21 I've turned my hand to a different type of photography. All a bit of fun and here is one from my story on TP. Lego Adventure. by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  13. Scott™

    CS5 onto facebook?

    Re open your original file that was saved as .psd format and once it's loaded up save as again but as jpeg.
  14. Scott™

    iOS "must have" apps

    Re: iPhone "must have" apps Yeap it sure is. The ability to transfer money between accounts anywhere in the UK at any time will be fantastic.
  15. Scott™

    iOS "must have" apps

    Re: iPhone "must have" apps Natwest iPhone app. It may of been mentioned before. But just to let you know as of tomorrow a new upgrade will be available. The upgrade will allow you to transfer between accounts, top up your phone and locate your nearest natwest bank and ATM.
  16. Scott™

    Comments on colour scheme please

    Re: coments on colour scheme please Should look ok for track use only. But man your photoshop/paint skills suck bum.
  17. Scott™

    New Jag XKR-S... oh my.

    A gorgeous car. Yes please. Colour is mint also.
  18. Scott™

    Few Changes To The 200

    Looks great, the only problem is 6000k bulbs and yellow side lights. I have the same problem on my 172 cup so I just took the side lights out.
  19. Scott™


    Very good clean up but your specs don't do it for me either.
  20. Scott™

    Black Phase 1 Content

    Perfectly standard. The way it should be.
  21. Scott™

    PH1 Clio 172

    Pic heavy much lol. I love it though. The more I see them, the more I want one. Mint.
  22. Scott™

    Clean Pearl

    The car looks good mate. But you need tyre shine :)
  23. Scott™

    Bargin Bus Take2

    Looks great, nice to see its fallen into good hands. Its like a story made in heaven :o
  24. Scott™

    May Photography Competition

    Cheers Dan, I wanted some thing a little better than my last entry seems it got slated so much. Thank you :). 1/100 at f5 ISO 200 I used a ND Grad as well.
  25. Scott™

    365/52 2011 :)

    Week 20 Renault Sport Clio Sunset by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  26. Scott™

    May Photography Competition

    Here is my entry for Natural Beauty. Entry Renault Sport Clio Sunset by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  27. Scott™

    California Scents... Dissapointment :(

    Some smells are s**t. I bought coconut and it was w**k, but cherry, strawberry etc are all mint. This is because you get used to it. I can't small my cherry one any more but a friend got in the other day and said it was smelling lush.
  28. Scott™

    Tripod Help!

    That's fair enough but the price it will cost you to make/buy the base plate you could just buy a whole new tripod for £20 of the same quality.
  29. Scott™

    Tripod Help!

    For the price that tripod retails at just bin it and buy a new one.