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  1. Holty

    Gearbox fault

    we fitted new brakes last night and must have missed fully tightening one side ha ha, fingers crossed thats all it was.
  2. Holty

    Gearbox fault

    just found passenger wheel bolts loose could this cause it????
  3. Holty

    Gearbox fault

    Known my luck this will be serious. Started getting a whirring noise when slowing down in lower gears, goes away when clutch dipped. Now noise in all gears at lower speeds between 1.5k to 3k revs when slowing or constant speed, fine when accelerating. When dip clutch noise goes away also...
  4. Holty

    Ph1 Fog Light Fault - Only one on

    sunny glasgow. can i cut in a new earth anyway?
  5. Holty

    Ph1 Fog Light Fault - Only one on

    the drivers side still stays on fine when voltage drops to 0v at passangers side.
  6. Holty

    Ph1 Fog Light Fault - Only one on

    Hi Rob I have put the voltmeter across terminals at which attach to bulb and earth and i get 12v on passangers side when drivers is working fine. if i attach the connector to the bulb and use volmeter on it and black still loose it still reads 12v when i connect the earth to the fog light and...
  7. Holty

    Ph1 Fog Light Fault - Only one on

    should mention when looses power the drivers side stays on.
  8. Holty

    Ph1 Fog Light Fault - Only one on

    Evening! had no fog lights when i bought the car so thought i would take a look at them tonight. played with connector and got drivers to come on but passangers still off. checked fuses and bulbs and all ok. swapped passangers lamp to drivers wiring to test and it came on, when using...
  9. Holty


    Just joined, got a Phase 1 172 will post pics when cleaned up needs little bit work. Using it as daily runner and track toy :D