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Search results

  1. Holty

    Ph 1 to Ph 2 dash conversion questions..

    I'm looking to carry this out and have couple questions: 1. Is it possible to wire in the controls to the relevant buttons, ie use the rear window heater button for the actual rear heater? 2. Do you need to wire in the unlock as when you open door they unlock anyway? so could i just wire up the...
  2. Holty

    Knockhill open pit - 5th June

    I'm highly experienced in normal direction lol
  3. Holty

    Knockhill open pit - 5th June

    Was going to attend this but waiting on aero catches arriving for front bumper. Got car back running in 48 hours and been waiting a week for catches!!!!
  4. Holty

    May 5th, knockhill reverse open pit night

    I'm booked on for reverse on the 20th, best get that rear wiper changed ;)
  5. Holty

    Knockhill today 2 clios

    ha ha he did say someone local was also after it. You can have the exhaust its a droan!!!! ​It was crazy weather but seen it worst, thought Godfrey would have took the win after his performance in the heats!
  6. Holty

    Knockhill today 2 clios

    That was me in the black PH1 ;) As said got if off Greg last week and just giving it a run up before it takes to the track on the 20th. ​Had a nosey round the flamer with the PH2 dash, think it may be a mod for mine and ditch the blue inside!
  7. Holty

    May 5th, knockhill reverse open pit night

    Reverse open pit lane is may 20th 6 - 8 pm
  8. Holty

    2nd car just for track days policy

    I mean it is off the road just now to get worked on!
  9. Holty

    2nd car just for track days policy

    Hi Guys, I have taken my ph1 172 off the road to convert into a road legal track car. Who is best to insure it as a 2nd car just to drive to track days and back? Limited mileage aint a problem and i have over 9 years no claims but used on my main car. Holty
  10. Holty

    Knockhill Track Day / Ford Live 2011

    Did you get any pics of my clio 172, flakey front bumper ph1 lol by any chance?
  11. Holty

    Renaultsport Trackday Knockhill 23rd May

    i'll be up however i still need to bleed my brakes and fit new lines lol and i have no days off!!!
  12. Holty

    Clio PH1 Oil level varies???

    has nobody ever had this issue??? :S
  13. Holty

    knockhill on sunday?

    He got down duffus ok but braked late into the right hander after and hit the wall.
  14. Holty

    Clio PH1 Oil level varies???

    My PH1 has an oil leak, i was keeping an eye on it to see how much it was loosing. It was fine then dropped quite quickly to half way down dipstick. I kept an eye on it as i drove some more mileage and it lost small amount but not much. i decided to top it up and watch the level vs miles...
  15. Holty

    knockhill on sunday?

    The megane got passed the cup up the straight then came down duffs braked to late, off in to the gravel and hit tyre wall hard. Passanger got taken away in ambulance, walked in though so hopefully ok. Renault day should be fun!
  16. Holty

    knockhill on sunday?

    Yeah was up watching mate seen the megane go off battling with a cup.
  17. Holty

    Renaultsport Trackday Knockhill 23rd May

    Best get the car ready!
  18. Holty

    Urgent: Ideas required.....

    It is completely stuck tried everything today, new stub axle it is, call cliospares in the morning!
  19. Holty

    Urgent: Ideas required.....

    After fighting all afternoon to change mt rear discs i have given up and car is stuck a wheel down :mad: Rear passenger wheel bearing has gone so started to remove only for disc to come away but leave rear half of the bearing sleeve stuck to the stub axle. Tried everything to move it forward...
  20. Holty

    Wheel Refurb - Glasgow area

    tried and got a quote of 320!!!!
  21. Holty

    Wheel Refurb - Glasgow area

    want to refurb my standard ph1 alloys but been getting couple crazy quotes over 300. anyone local do good job at sensible price???
  22. Holty

    *** Rear Beam Went??? ***

    cheers mate. hope so cause much easier fix. amazing the chaos a bearing can cause.
  23. Holty

    *** Rear Beam Went??? ***

    axel bearing or wheel bearing???
  24. Holty

    *** Rear Beam Went??? ***

    meant to ask how can you tell if its full or stub axel
  25. Holty

    *** Rear Beam Went??? ***

    I noticed my passanger side rear wheel was sticking further out than drivers side but car seemed to drive fine. Couple days later got banging and scratching noises from said wheel. took it off to find rubbing in arch liner and leaking shock. The car then jammed said wheel and ABS light...
  26. Holty

    Water issues!

    Got a wet floor behind drivers seat at rear footwell, all is dry around just the floor area is wet. also when break can hear water (sounds alot) move from rear to front. tried shaking door and doesnt sound full. previously poked about sill drains and nothing came out. its a w plate phase...
  27. Holty

    Knockhill next Sunday

    never had a problem at hot hatch day. Max i have ever been in is session with twenty cars. soon learn who are the idiots and just keep out their way. no where near as bad as before. h3ppy might be up there see if we can get same session ;)
  28. Holty

    Blue 172 cup east kilbride

    would have been mate.
  29. Holty

    Knockhill trackday

    not too bad noddie i got 5 sessions at the last one. would have got more if a certain persons wheel had not held up proceedings ha ha
  30. Holty

    Knockhill trackday

    where did you get cage from mate being thinking along same lines? is it full or rear?