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  1. Scott™

    Shutter speed.

    Serious? I take it the pro models are much longer then. I guess I could open it as soon as it closes every half hour and merge the pictures together?
  2. Scott™


    How did I miss this. Welcome to the joys.
  3. Scott™

    Xmas/New Year meet Ideas thread.

    Sorry lads I'm not able to do this weekend. Something has been on the cards for a while but I couldn't be sure it was going to come about and it has. So your more than welcome to meet up, I can even arrange a meeting place I just won't be attending. I will look to February now. Scott
  4. Scott™

    Shutter speed.

    Last night I attempted to take a picture of a star trail. Now I had the camera set up on a tripod, pointing to the north star etc. The shutter speed was set to bulb and I had a remote to control the shutter. So I pressed it and I was away. Now after exactly 30 minutes the camera shutter...
  5. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    What was the exposure on this mate? And I like the moon/tree one. Great effect.
  6. Scott™

    Post processing

    A long exposure, with a small aperture mixed with a few other tweeks on the camera.
  7. Scott™

    Photo competition - January 2011

    Thanks very much mate.
  8. Scott™

    Photo competition - January 2011

    Rush hour in my local town on a wet, windy, dark miserable winter night. January Blues.
  9. Scott™

  10. Scott™

    Post processing

    I deffinatly do post processing. An example of two of mine. I had some good examples but recently lost them all :( And
  11. Scott™

    New suspension, the Cup's got stance...

    Looks alot better I must say but still too high for me lol.
  12. Scott™

    Just gave my new car a clean.

    Very nice that mate, what is that thing where a head unit should be?
  13. Scott™

    Flame red 172 with carbon bonnet in wales

    Somewhere in Wales? lol
  14. Scott™

    *** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

    Those maps really do look good. Nice to see they are bringing in a sniping map.
  15. Scott™

    turini"s ther any.

    Where I'm from it's called English..... What's wrong with it? (that)?
  16. Scott™

    My New Albi 200

    Very nice mate. Shame about the seats.
  17. Scott™

    Glacier White 197.

    Nom nom nom. Very nice sir.
  18. Scott™

    Xmas/New Year meet Ideas thread.

    For someone who lives in swansea yes lol. My plan is to go to braclett bay but first meet somewhere we can all park and have food. Any suggestions Swansea lad?
  19. Scott™

    Turini's on...

    Want to swap :approve: And nice car mate. Dislike the exhaust other than that its bob on.
  20. Scott™

    My 172 Cup

    Very very nice tbh. Perfect height. I wish I still had silver turinis :(
  21. Scott™

    Xmas/New Year meet Ideas thread.

    Ok mate no probem. I will get a thread up tonight with details.
  22. Scott™

    New guy who needs advice

    In that case the clio will be just fine lol. Although there are alot of members that on feed their clios super/v power.
  23. Scott™

    365/52 2010 - Who's playing?

    You best hurry up then.....
  24. Scott™

    Xmas/New Year meet Ideas thread.

    Yes mate, but struggling on location. Swansea & braclett bay was the idea but whats peoples thoughts on travelling to Swansea?
  25. Scott™

    New guy who needs advice

    Welcome to the club. I wouldn't say the clio is great on mpg.... but its not bad either.
  26. Scott™

    TE baby from turkey...

    Sorry man I'm not a fan.
  27. Scott™

    Photo competition - January 2011

    Good effort for starting one though. <3
  28. Scott™

    Photo competition - January 2011

  29. Scott™

    172 Ownership and Distinct Lack of Progress.

    Re: 172 Ownership and progress. Very nice sir :) Loved it when I saw it in Wales. Hows the camera going?