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  1. extremeinferno

    can someone please photoshop my monaco

    thanks chris i think it looks mint is this pic any easyier
  2. extremeinferno

    can someone please photoshop my monaco

    ok will take pic later off my mates camera, mine aint thant good as you can see thanks mate
  3. extremeinferno

    can someone please photoshop my monaco

    dont get you?
  4. extremeinferno

    funny noise from light box in roof

    blasted mine out with wd40, no change. have to live with it
  5. extremeinferno

    Cs Members Cars...

    no mods yet just got it saturday. plans are: silvervision coiloverers cup splitter/spoiler tart up engine bay job done!
  6. extremeinferno

    can someone please photoshop my monaco

    anyone please just a quick one?
  7. extremeinferno

    funny noise from light box in roof

    thanks all for you quick replys by the way. glad i didnt get ripped off lol. all blowers and that work ok. according to the buyer it was charged up 2 months ago so 'should' work according to him.
  8. extremeinferno

    funny noise from light box in roof

    o rite well ive just brought it for 4k 52plate with 56k. have i been ripped off then? could this be why aircon doesnt work do you think?
  9. extremeinferno

    funny noise from light box in roof

    im not sure only got it saturday, and the manual is all in foreign. is this a bad thing if it is?
  10. extremeinferno

    funny noise from light box in roof

    there is a 'buzzing' noise coming from the light box on the roof, just where the vent fing is. i have taken the box off and the noise is coming from wot looks to be some sort of a motor. any ideas wot it is behind there, and why its doing it? thanks james
  11. extremeinferno

    can someone please photoshop my monaco

    i would be very gratefull if one on you clever photoshopers could majic my wheels white for me. and possibly lower it around 40mm thanks james
  12. extremeinferno

    my new 172

    thanks for comments guys, exhuast is a remus backbox not keen atal, and to be honest it sounds a bit 'tacky'. looking for another one preferably a used one. triuble is funds a very low at the moment. any suggestions? thanks again james
  13. extremeinferno

    my new 172

    excuse poor pics, rubbish cam
  14. extremeinferno

    my new 172

    got my 172 yesterday here some pics, best fing i ever done is get this lol, soooo much better than my 1.2. was thinking of getting wheels painted white and coilovers. wot u fink?
  15. extremeinferno

    wish me luck!!

    you need to use hand moisteriser lol
  16. extremeinferno

    buying my first 172, help needed

    just looking for my 1st 172, my budget is £4200. so far ive come up with this, is this a good...
  17. extremeinferno

    Post your mk2 clio lowerd 60mm please!

    60mm pi springs
  18. extremeinferno

    Clio 172 Replica

    ^^ pmsl a renault clio baby!
  19. extremeinferno

    Clio 172 Replica

    i mean look at foxys thread there must be hundreds of pics here and this must be the best project thread ive seen. is it only me that thinks im right?
  20. extremeinferno

    Clio 172 Replica

    ok i lied im going to reply, all i was trying to say is he went to the trouble of starting a project thread and uploading pics the idea of a project thread surly is to cover every thing. which is for other peoples interset, and you have to take the piss out of him, whys that. people like you...
  21. extremeinferno

    Clio 172 Replica

    poor lol:dapprove:
  22. extremeinferno

    Clio 172 Replica

    il tell you why people spend money on it although i think its already been said, simply because they cant afford to buy/insure/run an quicker car just yet. i think that he wont giv bad name for clio's he is obiously takin his time with this project not like the people that do give them a bad...
  23. extremeinferno

    any chance of a photoshop? pretty please!

    i think it will look better wen i get side skirts (172 style)
  24. extremeinferno

    any chance of a photoshop? pretty please!

    thanks for that dbase, not realy sure if i like it. wot do you guys think. just brought wheels begining to regret them now. renaultboy it lowered on 60mm springs mate. so wot to you think befor or after? any suggestions? thanks again!
  25. extremeinferno

    Clio 172 Replica

    good point james lol cant wait 4 result, get it fitted!:D
  26. extremeinferno

    any chance of a photoshop? pretty please!

    i was thinking of having just the spokes on my wheels painted black, leaving the rim silver. not realy sure how it would look though. any chance someone could photo shop it for me, and some oppinions on wheels? many thanks james
  27. extremeinferno

    is this right??

    thanks mate, gunna als try it on wheels
  28. extremeinferno

    is this right??

    ahh got ya. thanks alot lads