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  1. Dave

    A question on tyre tread depths

    Yup, that'd earn you 3 points.
  2. Dave

    Renault Clio 182 W/ Cup Packs - Handles Like a Sack of Spuds - Official Review

    Nope...but I was told that there were reviews out there that had the Fiesta ST pegged above the 182. I couldnt find any so I made one up and posted this up.
  3. Dave

    A question on tyre tread depths

    As long as the centre three quarters of the tyre show 1.6mm of tread the tyre is legal. So yeah in theory you could run massive amounts of negative camber and a whole eighth of the tyre on the inside COULD be bald. But remember it will only be an eighth as it is the CENTRAL 3/4. That leaves...
  4. Dave

    The Hazards of B-Roads!! (pics)

    LMFAO! Pics of the pigeon!
  5. Dave

    Renault Clio 182 W/ Cup Packs - Handles Like a Sack of Spuds - Official Review I've made a mistake with the title somewhere.....
  6. Dave

    Mr Car drinks petrol......Overnight!

    FINALLY! Reading the thread I didnt believe it would take this long!
  7. Dave

    Read this on another forum...

    Silly girl.
  8. Dave

    how can i 'cut up' mp3s???

    MP3 Trim. Get me on MSN and i'll send it across. Its small and good.
  9. Dave

    Impromptu Photoshoot Lakeside, Thurrock

    Coilovers planned for 2007!!!! Lol dependent on cost
  10. Dave

    Impromptu Photoshoot Lakeside, Thurrock

    Trophy wheels are the way forward!
  11. Dave

    Impromptu Photoshoot Lakeside, Thurrock

    I woulda had slash cut if Charlie had had the tips in when I went but he wasnt expecting me to ask for them. I prefer them but the new exhaust is so much more beastly.
  12. Dave

    New Era or Old School?

    Old school. I will always look at 205GTi's and R5GTT's etc with a lot of affection. However as everything on the road is now travelling a lot faster on average than 20 years ago I think we have to be sensible and move on. Plus the emmissions guidelines have tamed our engines considerably.
  13. Dave

    Impromptu Photoshoot Lakeside, Thurrock

    Why, Thank you!
  14. Dave

    Finally!!...Justice Has Been Done!....Can Anyone Remember When This Happened?!

    I f**king love it when stuff comes off like this. Its really, really rare as the system sucks. But the police did their job. Dont forget it.
  15. Dave

    Impromptu Photoshoot Lakeside, Thurrock

    LOL! Topic title changed to suit!
  16. Dave

    Impromptu Photoshoot Lakeside, Thurrock

    Lakeside Mini Meet Photoshoot! Sad b*****d that I am. Came out of the shops, saw this and thought oooh quick snap on the camera phone. Only 2.0MP. Parked it front ways for a swhift front end snap Side on with a glance of the recaros :o Shiny rear end 50p per shot if you want it for your...
  17. Dave

    Titanium 182 with black gloss 182 wheels

    Oooh that dent sticks out a bit on titanium
  18. Dave

    w*****s - Someone dropped stones onto my car

    And people wonder why the Police dont have time to deal with "real crime". They are too busy dealing with alcohol filled idiots.
  19. Dave

    Well last nite proved you can't trust anyone

    Whats high rated? Surely you dont mean irate?
  20. Dave

    Nice 182 powered Dynamique

    Funny how there arent any under bonnet pics.
  21. Dave

    nitrous oxide - discuss

    Still a f**king big risk IMO. Plus you cant run it on a road legally, if you stack it big time you will get FUCKED.
  22. Dave

    F*CK! My baby... :(

    I love everyone having their two pennies worth in Police related
  23. Dave

    Buying Cup with Finance left?

    Do your own research on the price. Depends on the motor. Just give him to cheques, one to the finance company and one to him.
  24. Dave


  25. Dave

    Any Good TB's?

    I am monitoring this thread and hope that any comments made will not amount to defamation of character, or a trading of insults. Constructive stuff is always welcome but I am getting bored of companies coming on here to do battle keyboard warrior style.
  26. Dave

    how much do you reckon?

  27. Dave

    Got the better half insured on my 182..

    I'd have no probs letting her drive it. But she;d kerb the alloys.
  28. Dave

    Thanks Brazo & Loony....(56k)

    Jesus. My trip has resulted in me ordering loads more cleaning stuff. At least £50 and thats without a PC!
  29. Dave

    My 182 alarm beeps three times

    ditto. did it on both my Clios and its fine.