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  1. Dave

    Renault Cardiff are trying to shaft me !!

    See...if you had ripped out the sub and amp then it would've been a lot easier. Electrical problems - take out the ICE as Renault use it as an EXCUSE!
  2. Dave

    Right all you wash guru's...

    I wouldnt imagine so. I dont know what fence car is BTW
  3. Dave

    Are you proud to own a RenaultSport?

    I always say "just a clio". Then when in a later conversation and I'm talking about something car related and they say "but you just drive a little clio". I'm like, "yeah but a 2.0l one"
  4. Dave

    My New Pro Speed Exhaust 182

    Christ his changed the design again! My one
  5. Dave

    Windows Live Mail BETA

    I reverted back to original hotmail. Muchos better
  6. Dave

    Clio Renaultsport 197 Official Prices

    I agree with Funkyjahooners comments, I wont be lusting after the new Renaultsport Clio at all. As for the import comments, the only reason they arent worth as much is because dealers stifle the prices. Its all a big fix.
  7. Dave

    182 To A V6

    Its about disposable income at the end of the day. I can afford a V6, I can insure it, but I'd never be able to go anywhere or do anything due to fuel and servicing. And the way fuel is going....jeez.
  8. Dave

    Prospeed or Hayward and Scott 182 exhaust?

    I have had no problems at all with my Prospeed. Which is just as well as its 300mile drive away! You cant see the rear silencer AT ALL on the new design. There are 2 mounts you just cant see it on that picture. It doesnt wobble at all, and with the decat the car was so much more responsive...
  9. Dave

    Prospeed or Hayward and Scott 182 exhaust?

    I've had both the H&S and the above Prospeed. I kept the Prospeed. :approve:
  10. Dave

    Keyed !

    Nope. That'll be a car wash I reckon.
  11. Dave

    Insurance Help - Optional Extras? Are they Modifications...

    Whereas I give them a ring and give them my reg, say yes it is a Blue 182 Clio thanks a lot. Then I say, yeah its got a SS exhaust but thats it. Oh thanks for that quote lovely, send me the paperwork. There is such a thing as overcomplicating the issue. Its like ringing them and saying, "I...
  12. Dave

    Which Exhaust for 182

    Prospeed MkII.
  13. Dave

    Just changed my 172 steering wheels, few problems!

    Firstly, nice wheel. Wish I wasnt so saftey concious, I refuse to remove the air bag. 1) f**k resistors, get someone like Mike to get it on the clip and adjust the computer. Much better. 2) Dont know 3) Likewise.
  14. Dave

    Clio's handling - Nearly DIED!!

    Just spotted this. Im sure claire isnt on about a Renaultsport Clio.
  15. Dave

    Ipod frozen :(

    Try and defrost it slowly.
  16. Dave

    Just Crashed.. :(

    Hugging it goodbye too!
  17. Dave

    Have a look at this....Oh and Hello

    Mike you the man!
  18. Dave

  19. Dave

    Firefox seems to like blocking scripts from this site when I'm on the forum... whats the link between it and CS?
  20. Dave

    Spare Key Grrrrrr!!!!

    Hair drier. He'll soon back down.
  21. Dave

    Smashed up Clio Trophy

    Look out for the recaros on Ebay.
  22. Dave

    May of found the culprit

    Call the Police. Give them the crime reference number. Ask for the details of the Officer in Charge of the Case and state that you have information for him regarding your case. Do not pass this information to anyone else until you have a name and collar number/pin number of the OIC. Discuss...
  23. Dave

    Absolute Scum! So, so Gutted!

  24. Dave

    Absolute Scum! So, so Gutted!

    A very good point Williams025 but I will re-grade those calls for you as to how they ACTUALLY came in (probably). 1 - The car key robbery. Ok, so it happened. But I have a feeling that it was called in hours after the event. Suspects long gone, poor descriptions given etc. 2 - Drunk...
  25. Dave

    New Clio Indicator Styling
  26. Dave

    Which Brake Pads?

    EBC Greenstuff £50 ish Ferrodo DS2500 £85+
  27. Dave

    What is wrong with my 182?

  28. Dave

    Another Keyed 182!!!!!
