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Search results

  1. Dave

    Oil Change cost at Reno for 182

  2. Dave

    Oil Change cost at Reno for 182

    do i have to get it up or can i do it on the ground?
  3. Dave

    Oil Change cost at Reno for 182

    Course its not wonderful AINT BAD?
  4. Dave

    Oil Change cost at Reno for 182

    £46...(supplying own oil) not bad right?
  5. Dave

    Will I need a Power Capacitor

    ^^agreed. Many ppl say Caps are unnecessary and er...useless.
  6. Dave

    oooohh...Try this at home in your clio..

    just a couple of diagnostic tools is all
  7. Dave

    Pricks on the road

    Mercedes A-Class drivers are f**king nuts they do stoopid speeds (i am taking about the merc that looks like an MPV arent I?)
  8. Dave

    My New Install - Pic Heavy!!!

    How come you have 2 toilets? ;)
  9. Dave

    Pricks on the road

  10. Dave

    182 Finally Arrived

    Should have a luggage net. V useful they are too.
  11. Dave

    Pricks on the road

    Not as great an option on the M25 tho lol. Absolute knob. Sometimes I think "If i had a bucket load of cash and didnt care about the car Id just hit the brakes. See how he likes to tailgate then!"
  12. Dave

    Pricks on the road

    Make me so f**king angry. Had a prize prick last night in a f**king lorry. Was going toward the A13 after going though the Dartford Tunnel. Only one tunnel was open and as I came out of the tunnel in the right hand lane I had a lorry up my arse flashing his headlights. No matter the fact...
  13. Dave

    Clio CUP Mudflaps

    How are they fixed? Is there much work involved?
  14. Dave

    Clio CUP Mudflaps

    cannot find them on the DT webby?!
  15. Dave

    Silver seatbelts on 182

    Im always VERY clean and TBH this worried me when I first heard about the belts! I always wash my hands cos I wrecked my last steering wheel with mnging filth
  16. Dave

    Just been offered 9k for ma car

    Rip his arm off and take a Skoda. Im fancying one of them as the "disguised as a sensible car" car for when the GF wants me to settle down.
  17. Dave

    Screen Wash

    I use whatever it is the dealers use. Will be using my autoglym when that runs out.
  18. Dave

    FAO: ALL NEW 182, 225,& V6 OWNERS

    Mine had 21. Was pretty shocked too. But it was in the compound waiting for 1st September for 3 WEEKS! So they drove it back and forth a couple of times (really small dealership with pretty off site compound). Anything more than 25-30 Id wanna know why.
  19. Dave

    Plug Cliosport

    Needed are: Full Name of the Creator of the Site Contact details for this person Post Code I actually dont know any of the above....:) Dont think it can hurt to plug the club....
  20. Dave

    Plug Cliosport

    Heard about this on the radio and as the site is SO good thought I would vote for it as its Not for Profit - Right? Basically you vote for the best websites and they get...well awards. need the details for Jas...
  21. Dave


    Oh man this could go on forever! Everyone says that they are both VERY good.
  22. Dave

    182 rattles like a mofo

    ^^^ JUST GOT ONE OF THOSE TODAY GODDERS! Was a bit peeved cos thus far its been rattle free.
  23. Dave


    I need some serious help lol Need to make a decision. I fancy the RA2 as its easy to install and use and looks pretty, but I reckon Id need the extra antenne thing (£20). B2 is cheaper AND tells you the speed of the road you are on. Ah man. HELP.
  24. Dave

    Tar on my new car (covered!)

    USe the autoglym first, if that fails use a claybar. Then Zymol it up again.
  25. Dave

    New Clio features to make you buy

    LMFAO! Heres a hint, the lowest setting, then slouch a bit and its A-ok!
  26. Dave

    New Clio features to make you buy

    REALISTICALLY:- Smaller steering wheel Lower seat height 6th gear - purely for motorway crusing really it just doesnt seem to settle down and behave at the 70-80mph cruising speed if that makes ANY sense at all. I want it to just pootle along and its sitting at that magical 4-4500 mark...
  27. Dave

    Pulling out of 182 order - advice needed

    At £13,500 I would imagine someone would take the deal over if you search hard enough, maybe try and sell the deal on for £200 thus recouping some of your deposit? £13,300 for a 182 is a good deal from main dealer. I dont think it will be as yet registered to yourself either.
  28. Dave

    Pressure Washer Took My Paint Off...

    I would NEVER use a pressure wash except on wheels. And only then if Id left it 6 months and couldnt bear the thought of doing it by hand.
  29. Dave

    182 Cup

    It will be bought cheaper than that.
  30. Dave

    Clio 182 Grounf Clearance

    Dont be silly with stupid wheels.