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Search results

  1. Dave

    weird knocking/squeaking (182)

    Going downwards in a spiral on a multi storey car park. bad news? dunno. dont wanna take it in.
  2. Dave

    Whats This

    looks the nuts
  3. Dave

    Anyone had a 182 on the rollers

    lol sh*t programme!
  4. Dave

    Anyone had a 182 on the rollers

    What sorta figure is that at the wheel..... reason im asking is mate has had his ZR160 modded (xpower chip + zorst and summat else)...
  5. Dave

    Anyone had a 182 on the rollers

    Ah come on!
  6. Dave

    Anyone had a 182 on the rollers

    curious as to what anyone has got?
  7. Dave

    182 Oil Filter - PART NO. REQ.

    Im gonna do mine ASAP but its always a mission booking it in with those idiots...
  8. Dave

    Renault In 182 Shocker !!

    I would love a flame red 182.
  9. Dave

    182 Oil Filter - PART NO. REQ.

    thanking u
  10. Dave

    182 Oil Filter - PART NO. REQ.

    Anyone know it? Is it the same as "any clio oil filter" like the parts guy in Renault told me. :cry:
  11. Dave

    182 First Service - Not Funny

    THats the next thing....Oil Filter...
  12. Dave

    Driving style for a BRAND new car

    Drive steadily through the rev ranges. Dont cane until after run in. Unless you are only keeping it for a couple of years. Then rag until heart content. (Search "Run In")
  13. Dave


    think im gonna go for that bad boy. after i get mine fixed :(
  14. Dave

    Minor Accident + Leaving the Scene!

    Would a HPI check give the address its registered to, or just tell me if the address I give them is wrong?
  15. Dave

    Minor Accident + Leaving the Scene!

    ^^ Would be funny but not what Im after. I just want her nicked. And maybe some cash would be nice.
  16. Dave

    Minor Accident + Leaving the Scene!

    The police wont give me the info Im pretty sure. Data protection and all that.
  17. Dave

    Minor Accident + Leaving the Scene!

    Thats a very good point...gotta be a bug on the site!
  18. Dave

    Minor Accident + Leaving the Scene!

    I work in Oxted. Its a poxy little village. Everyone thinks they have a bit of dough cos they live in Surrey. The school kids are posh little tw*ts. Anyway help me out 1) implication of possibly cracked zenon 2) best way to get her address anyone?
  19. Dave

    Minor Accident + Leaving the Scene!

    I cant be agged with solicitors writing to each other and disputes. Takes forever been there and done it! Just want 1) The priority - her nicked for what she did 2) some cash off her.
  20. Dave

    Minor Accident + Leaving the Scene!

    Ok, whilst stood outside my store today I watched a woman back her car into my 182! I was like :o ANYWAY, I approached her and told her she had hit my car, and she took one look said "no damage" and walked off into my store. I stood by the doors waiting for her to leave and saw her on the...
  21. Dave

    Insuring Cars in Parents Name

    Glad this was made sticky, its the best advice there is out there. Thanks to Lloyd (he now knows its here and has given his permission etc). Hope some ppl see sense.
  22. Dave

    interior door handles

    Door card off. Easy job though.
  23. Dave

    Insuring Cars in Parents Name

    Lifted from forums, written by respected insurance professional username over there "Shiny". Dont think Lloyd will mind me lifting the post as its very informative and he is all for educating ignorance on insurance.<SPAN class=spnMessageText...
  24. Dave

    hmmm crash :’(

    Sympathies to the guy and his GF. Hope she gets better. And in a £300 sh*tter (and I have had a couple) I refused to do above 60mph and then only if in a straight line (i.e. not bends). Doors flying open etc definitely worry me - MOT etc?! ANYWAY, just my contribution to the insurance...
  25. Dave

    *CRASHED - Taxi w*nker*

  26. Dave

    My Airbrushed Engine Cover

    I like the idea and the art is good. But a Renault aint jap.
  27. Dave


  28. Dave


    As scribbs said I had the seatbelt pretensioner problem in my other clio so I know its not that. Plus havent moved the seats recently. Think ill see what happens. If it appears again Ill take it in. Just really dont wanna take it to the monkeys at Renault. ATM the car is absolutely mint...
  29. Dave


    Should I bother going in? Had the SERV light on along with the ABS light and the car on a slippery road in a triangle light on. Switched off igntion and they were gone. Was straight after I had been a bit twitchy on the brakes at a downhill traffic light. Driven 30miles since and not a...
  30. Dave

    Oil Change cost at Reno for 182

    lol snap! I only phone one and it came out at the price above. I would do it myself if i had a ramp lol. I also have a couple of jacks but i really cant be arsed with jacking it up and crushing my jacking points, covering myself in oil and scraping my knuckles and burning my hands.