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  1. Dave


    ^^^ WHAT HE SAID!
  2. Dave


    Can you turn it off on the 182? Someone tell me what its all about and whether its better off/on and at what times?! :oops:
  3. Dave

    a puncture in a 182

    its a can of spray.
  4. Dave

    a puncture in a 182

    use the tyre weld stuff. get ya a few miles. then call a garage.
  5. Dave

    Renault dealers are crap - official

    The Daily Star is well known for running credible and well researced news stories.
  6. Dave

    Meguiars - advice needed.

    I know its been covered lots but for once and for all, and for me...what would a complete car washing kit consist of? Basically, I want a Shampoo, a wax and a polish I guess. But I hear people talking about a clay (?!) and different "stages" and I looked on...
  7. Dave

    Arctic Blue Vs Black Gold

    I have seen an arctic blue and a black in real life and loved the blue. But the balc i saw was dirty!
  8. Dave

    Arctic Blue Vs Black Gold

    I like black gold better .... but SO hard to keep clean.
  9. Dave

    Arctic Blue Vs Black Gold

    :confused: What do ya all reckon?
  10. Dave

    182 Colours

    Were missing the point...what colour is INFERNO going to be?! (all excited now lol!)
  11. Dave

    Cup Suspension 182....mod

    I dont think they think of it a "mod", more just a more expensive and racier car, therefore more desirable to thieves, joy riders and fast driving enthusiasts!
  12. Dave

    Sunroof- no more rattles

    Bloody bodge job! lol gaffa tape and silicon!
  13. Dave

    Does the 182 have a shift light

    ^^^ agreed. Maybe a shift bleep would be nice with a little on/off button for normal and racey driving!
  14. Dave

    Does the 182 have a shift light

    as above thanks
  15. Dave

    FAO Everyone on Renault FREE insurance!

    YOU are fooked mate. Didnt declare the mods...this is what you get. Someone should sticky this topic as a warning for all.
  16. Dave

    Noisy Relays

    Is there anyway to just get rid of the "CLICK-CLICK-CLICK" when my wipers are on intermittant for instance. It bugs the hell outta me.
  17. Dave

    anybody with tints!

    Mine are legal.
  18. Dave

    extra’s classed as mods

    I think "standard" is how the car left the factory. Many insurers go further and ask the question "has the car been altered from the manufacturers specification?" Basically u have nothing to worry about if it is a factory option IMHO
  19. Dave

    182 Insurance - WHERE!

    Best quotes Im getting are around £1800. 4 NCD, 21 years old, SP30.
  20. Dave


    Agree with you Scribbs BUT I am applying to be a Copper. Need to keep my nose clean.
  21. Dave


    My whole day was ruined anyway. I spent the next 2 hours in the nearest nick making a statement, and I even got a present from the Police. Yes, you guessed it... I GOT A PRODUCER!
  22. Dave


    LOL! Too many witnesses mate. Traffic was stacked up with ppl gawping etc.
  23. Dave


    i wish i had. too busy trying to save the bumper.
  24. Dave


    Yeah I was very aware of grabbing hold of him waiting to get arrested! But luckily lots of witnesses. Even one passer-by in a van who wanted the kid to knock me and and to run, and shouted at the kid to do so.
  25. Dave


    I just found this...which isnt awful news I guess..
  26. Dave


    I dont really know what I CAN do. I mean my excess is probably 2 thirds of what it would cost and losing my NCD is NOT an option if I want a 182 soon. Guess Ill just have to fork out for a refurb or 2 new wheels and a repair job on the gash in the bumper.
  27. Dave


    Was driving along the A13 this morning at 9.30, wanting to come off the Becton slip. Sat in a queue of stationary traffic at the lights, until I got past some road traffic cones which meant I could "clip in" to what is going to be a bus lane (but isnt yet). Accelerating up from stand still...
  28. Dave

    182 wheels

    On the plus side I read somewhere on here that changing the suspension after production from standard to Cup is nigh on impossible. IF they do f**k up it might be new 182 time. Just working out how the f**k Joe Bloggs can tell the difference!
  29. Dave

    182 wheels

    ^^^^ WHAT HE SAID! I mean...without driving both the 182s (with Cup AND WITHOUT Cup pack) how am I going to actually KNOW! I cant see me measuring 3 degress of castor angle.