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  1. J

    liquid yellow v6!Merry hill

    :) parked next to you this morning on the multistory, the vee was looking drop dead gorgous!
  2. J

    burning songs to cd's help!!...

    Hi everyone, Having a few problems, until recently on windows media player i have been burning music onto blanck cds with no problems. Now all of a sudden it will only transfer the first two or three songs and then come up with an error saying cannot copy files to c.d!? does anyone no how i can...
  3. J


    This is one for you mate! I've gota blackgold 182 and after seeing the results of your 182 (looks amazing!) has made me want to get off my lazy arse and get mine sorted. Can you recommend some of the decent products around and where i can get them from, funds are abit tight so its prob going to...
  4. J

    black 182 merry hil,burnt orange

    spotted black 182 driving through merry hill around 9.30am looked mint! and a burnt orange 182 booting it up the dudley southern bypass watch out for the camera's past a1 tints bloody things
  5. J

    kenwood stereo code

    Took my kenwood stereo out of my old car before i brought my 182 and finally after 6 months got round to fitting it! but i dont have the stereo code, any one no where i can get my hands on the code? before anyone asks its not nicked still got the box and reciept! lol
  6. J

    182 tints + rear lights

    Evening all, I've got a 182 looking to get some light window tints for the rear and back window any advise of what % to go for as i dont like the really dark tints. anyone no any good places in the birmingham, dudley area and prices? Also saw a black gold 182 the other day which had some led...
  7. J

    182 12k service

    Brought my 182 last march with 7000 miles on the clock, looked in the service book and its got a service stamp. one dealer says I still need the 12k service another says I dont, just possibly an oil change. can anyone offer me any advice? cheers
  8. J

    182 insurance with cup packs

    I've got a 182 with cup packs on and im in my last month of insurance with tesco, problem is when i get quotes where do i say its got cup packs?does it class as a modification?would carry on with tesco but the renewals expensive. How does everyone go about geting quotes? can any recommend any...
  9. J

    blue v6, fit blonde in 182 llandudno

    very nice blue v6 llandudno parked up on saturday and fit blonde in the blackgold 182 on a55 colwyn bay ;p