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Spotted this afternoon on the penn road, wolverhampton around 16.00. and the other trophy about 14.45 driving near kingswinford to stourbridge.
I was in the silver bmw :)
spotted a few today on my way to and from north wales.
black 182 - on slip road from chester going onto the a55.
black 182 - a487 near wrexham
blue 172 - a5 north
artic blue 182 - shrewsbury near that garden centre/services
Hi all, whats the best free virus removal tool around?want to clear up my computer as its got a few showing on avg but that wont let me get rid of them. It is saying the infected file is in temporary internet files but its empty. cheers for any help
sflame red 172 spotted today travveling towards stourbridge through oldswinford, i was pulling out of the garage near the oldswinford pub near the shell garage.
I really fancy a v6, just wondering what there like as an everyday car?what are they like in very slow moving traffic as before and after work im usually in traffic for about an hour. Also running costs and servicing? Another thing holding me back is it wont be in a garage only parked on a...
Flame Red 172 debenhams car park bout 2ish.
Silver 172 after market alloys, big cliosport sticker rear window debenhams car park again 2ish.
and silver 172 on sainsburys car park about 3.30pm.
What a nightmare merry hill was today with the traffic!
sunday afternoon around 3ish driving past the station pub, old weatherspoon near redhill school stourbridge. nice blue 172 cup, think it had for sale signs in back side windows.
You were in t5he que at the traffic lights by the royal oak pub, corbett hospital, stourbridge today around 17.15, sorry didnt see you wave until late, looked very tidy!
On starting up my 182 straight away there's a knocking noise sounds very tinny, then vibrates a bit and starts again, then usually stops around 25mph! has anyone else experienced this on a 172/182? cheers
Hi everyone, wonding if anyone can help me, was running low on petrol today so went to fill up,on the way i noticed when in 1st gear releasing the clutch to accelerate and changing to 2nd, there was a wierd noise coming from what i think is the exhaust. its hard to describe it was like the...
just after 5ish turning left by ruby's/lazerquest silver 172, nice blonde driving it, looked low to!
And 2nd around next gen gym pensnett around 17.45, both beeped ;p
Just gone into my email account, went to inbox and there was a email from "myself" to me !!??
it said re hot pictures as the subject then just kik in the message...
does anyone no what the hells going on, could someone have hacked my account or computer as ive never given anyone my password. its...
evening all, after some new tyres for my 182, there the michelin's. Wheres the best place to go, or does anyone no if anyone has an offer on? tried central tyres but there £125 a corner or is that about right? cheers
Got a bit of a wedge in my back pocket and im thinking of a few mods to spice my 182 up abit. thinking more towards suspension, and engine mods as the body will be left standard. cheers
Alrite everyone, just finished claying my car first time, all went well! just a quick question after you finish caying do you need to wet the car and dry it off again or do i just go straight onto polish? also ive got some of the stratch x whats the best thing to apply this with? cheers
Im after a decent hd ready tele just to put in the bedroom, to put on the wall, so prob looking for a 23" or 26". anyone know wheres the best place i can get one?i've seen a Hitachi 26" on empiredirect for £330 which looks a good price. Is there anything i should look for when buying one? Ive...
I was waiting at the lights turning right near the royal oak pub ,you were heading to the ring road and beeped! this morning around 11ish.
And trophy in sainsburys car park, Brierley hill yesturday with private plate to look like trophy.
Treated my car to a nice, wash, polish and wax today only to find so many chips, scratches and scuffs all over the car, gutted!
most of the scratches and scuffes are on the rear bumper, ive never hit the car into anything and im gutted!whats the best thing to use on treating these scratches>...