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Search results

  1. D

    Petrol Blue, Tamworth / Warwickshire On the A5

    Saw it earlier around 1.30pm at a guess, On the tamworth a5 by the snowdome.
  2. D

    "One of the best replicas" (appalling replica really) :( It's a reasonable effort but 4 doors and a bonnet scoop? FFS
  3. D

    1.2 with 172 wheels and grill Sutton Coldfield.

    Spotted by the mercedes garage, White bullets, white wheels & a 172 grill.
  4. D

    182 TROPHY Sutton Coldifield

    Parked outside a house, I can't remember what the areas called but it's in sutton and fairly near a college. I'm sure there used to be a low clio parked outside before so maybe he's upgraded to a trophy?
  5. D

    172 cup and a blue 182 in BURNLEY

    Today around 5-6pm at a guess.
  6. D


    Spotted yesterday around 1.30pm (complete guess) heading towards Redditch.
  7. D

    How do i remove holograms (FAO DETAILING GUYS)

    My dad picked up his new car today and it's been the first day iv'e seen it in the sunlight, I was shocked! The paint work is a bit of a state, Not something you would expect when the car has just come form a top garage in Birmingham, The guy also has plenty of ferrari's , porsche's nissan gtr's...
  8. D

    RECARO Trendline HELP please

    Right, I have 2 pairs of trendlines, If you look at the picture below you can see that there are 2 handles at the bases of the seat to allow you to adjust the seat position, My question is how do you adjust the other seats? Both pairs came separately from different cars / places, Is it a common...
  9. D

    What TV do i buy??

    Off tv shopping later, Looking to spend £700 max and ideally want a 40-50 inch. I want L.E.D and 3d is an option but i'm not fussed either way. I know very little when it comes to choosing tv's so a bit of help would be great. I would rather get picture quality over size. Thanks guys!
  10. D

    Silver 172 In Tamworth on the A5 around 3.30PM today

    ^^ Guy was Bald if that helps.
  11. D


    I would buy if i was near Newcastle & i can't be bothered dealing with couriers so thought i would post it up here, Seems a steel at that price. I sold one not long ago for £300 used.
  12. D

    RB 182 With Stripes, Planters Garden Centre Tamworth.

  13. D

    Monaco 172 parked at the rc plane club in Furnace end / hurley lol

    Just spotted a monaco 172 parked at the plane club. I wouldn't recommend flying there as our neighbour owns a radio jamming thing haha.
  14. D

    Is this a good pc?

    Just picked this up as it was only up the road and seemed a good price. I need it for work, so invoicing and fairly basic stuff. The old works pc seems to have had it and takes hours to even turn on! I think i will keep the monitor for home and take my old one to work :)...
  15. D

    Cheap Trophy

    High miles but looks decent enough
  16. D


    PH1 was this morning around 11.20am, It was filling up at the garage by the coop. 197 was on the a5 by Tamworth
  17. D


    Seen earlier on the bypass over by the snowdome. Was around 4.20 at a guess.
  18. D

    How do i check what engine is registered on a logbook of a car with only a reg number

    As above, I need to find out if a car is registered as having the larger engine fitted or not :)
  19. D

    172 / 182 / 197 & a Meganne! Hinkley / Leicester

    Baked Bean megane in Hinkley on the A5 , Blue 182 on the a5 by Hinkley , Nimbus 197 with a Blond driving near Hinkley Mcdonalds. 172 cup on the m69 towards Leicester. Black 182 in Blaby & a blue 172 / 182 near blaby. I've NEVER seen so many Renaulsports in the space of an hour!
  20. D

    172 / 182 steering wheel on eBay NO RESERVE end in 30 mins
  21. D

    Black 172 / 182 in coventry by the cheap tyre place.

    I was in my audi and you were behind me for a while by the tyre place.
  22. D keyring (apparently a genuine Renaultsport keyring) Link inside
  23. D

    Recaro Sportster seat recorvering.

    I have just purchased a pair of recaro sportsters, The fabric has worn on the drivers side from getting in and out. Is it possible to just buy the covers and fit them or do they have to be trimmed ? , I have sent a couple of email to recaro and capital seating but i doubt they will reply until...
  24. D

    3 Silver 172 / 182's

    172 around lunchtime in Nuneaton / Hinkley . 182 was somewhere in cov i think and just seen a 172 in Rugby.
  25. D

    Cheap 200!

    Looks great and has the cup chassis, leather seats and gt spoiler by the looks of it!
  26. D

    Blue 197 in Tamworth , Peninsular Chinese Takeaway

    I was in the audi a3. You pulled in as i was reversing out. Bloody nightmare is that carpark!
  27. D

    Can you hold 2 different insurance polices on a car?

    Hi, Having just purchased a car from my parents i am looking at sorting insurance out, I am adding both my mum and dad as named drivers on my fully comp policy as it brings it down a fair bit. While my dad finds a new car he wants to keep the insurance policy he as on the car with mum and him...
  28. D

    172 ph1 in coventry Bayton road industrial estate.

    Saw it earlier around mid day, I can't remember exactly were it was parked outside but i's roughly opposite the fosehill platers and near the flooring place.
  29. D

    197 RED On Tyburn road Birmingham, Black 200 on the m6 heading towards Birmingham.

    Both spotted today, red was around lunchtime, Black 200 was about an hour ago.
  30. D

    Very tidy looking PH1 (lowish miles)

    Just spotted on ebay looks nice :) might be useful to people on here as i know of a couple looking for a tidy ph1!