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Rather annoying (lol) I spotted a Storm Grey 200 heading down towards Princes Street on the bridges around 2:10pm today. Reg was RE11 TEC.....which must be Rentec related.
Spotted a Ph1 172 leaving Edinburgh on Glasgow road around 6:50pm yesterday. I was behind you until you turned off before the RBS building at Gogarburn. Reg was X98 BDB.
Spotted a Racing Blue 197 on the Edinburgh City Bypass approaching the Gogar Roundabout around 12:10pm today. I couldn’t see the reg due to the central reservation and I was heading the opposite way.
Spotted a black Ph2 172 parked in Sighthill Industrial Estate in Edinburgh between the Audi and Vauxhall garages just after 12:30 today. Reg was SK02 UOW.
Spotted an RB 197 F1 this morning at 8:20am which had just turned off the Edinburgh City Bypass westbound and was heading west on the A71. Reg was SL57 KOJ.