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Search results

  1. cava83

    WWDC 2011 & iOS5

    Re: WWDC 2011 I've finally managed to get registered as a developer, taken me 3 weeks (done it as a business) anyhow, I was going through the licensing and it states the following; Devices updated to iOS 5 beta can not be restored to earlier versions of iOS. Devices will be able to upgrade to...
  2. cava83

    VCP Course - Install, configure and manage. Starting it today

    Cool, 2 x ML 110 G6's with 16GB or Ram each ordered and an HP Micro Server with 8GB and 4 x 2TB disks. This should work for a little test environment.
  3. cava83

    WWDC 2011 & iOS5

    Re: WWDC 2011 anyone fancy adding me on?
  4. cava83

    VCP Course - Install, configure and manage. Starting it today

    Course was very good and interesting but doesn't teach you that much about using it, and the labs weren't very well written. We don't use VMware at work, and don't really have spare equipment to play, so will have to create a couple of test labs at home, trying to decide between a couple of...
  5. cava83

    New apple time capsule?

    Just been on the apple store, can't see it on there, appears to have been taken down. Can't check endgadget or macrumours, so this could be a false alert. Can someone confirm/decline? Thanks, G.
  6. cava83

    HTC sensation of HTC Desire S

    I think you should have an iPhone 4 for a week and see how you get on. It's certainly quick (desire s) don't get me wrong, but I like Safari how it renders the whole page without having to scroll across first and the format as to which it renders it. Both are great products, really good.
  7. cava83

    HTC sensation of HTC Desire S

    Thanks very much. I think it doesn't matter too much on the handset, even though the sensation is quicker. I mean overall it's really nice, I like how you can view the conversations directly from the contact without having to go in the text message section, but I guess it's what you are used...
  8. cava83

    Buying an iPad 2

    Cool, thanks for that, makes sense. :)
  9. cava83

    VCP Course - Install, configure and manage. Starting it today

    Update. It's not too bad, but just into the basics. All the guys in the course have had at least 6 months experience and been pretty much dedicated to just VSPHERE, so they are wizzing through everything. The instructor is quite enthusiatic and very knowledgable. We'll see how I get on tomorrow.
  10. cava83

    HTC sensation of HTC Desire S

    After playing with Android, I really like it, it's responsive, you can really configure it how you want, a lot more than iOS, there are some great applications on the market place. Feels like a really polished tool. The Desire S feels nice in the hand, really good screen and far superior battery...
  11. cava83

    VCP Course - Install, configure and manage. Starting it today

    Hi, On the course today, a weeks worth as most of you might know. Hopefully it should be good and will enable me to learn a lot more, do my own study too and pass the exam (third time probably) Fingers crossed. If DK found it hard, I will have no chance ;) G.
  12. cava83

    Buying an iPad 2

    Care to elaborate as to why?
  13. cava83

    Removing delete permissions from users.

    Ah ok, well temp files I could create a script, no problem with that. Can you let me know how you did the above so I can replicate the same setup?
  14. cava83

    HTC sensation of HTC Desire S

    No Sensations available. Bastardos. Bought a Desire S. Will try and see.
  15. cava83

    HTC sensation of HTC Desire S

    I will go and find one now. Need to find sim only or pay as you go. :)
  16. cava83

    Removing delete permissions from users.

    It's a difficult one. I would like just to grant one individual the ability to delete files, but everyone else having that declined. There must be a solution for this, strange, I will carry on looking. Any further info appreciated. G.
  17. cava83

    HTC sensation of HTC Desire S

    That's £479.99, i'd like to spend less really, thank you for your input though.
  18. cava83

    HTC sensation of HTC Desire S

    Hi, My iPhone has had an early retirement. Don't want to spend more than £400, Which one would you go for? Apparently the Sensations battery is poor, Thanks, G.
  19. cava83

    Removing delete permissions from users.

    Too long to explain why. We have a Windows 2008 file server, with thousands of documents. Word/excel and so on. I need to remove the ability for users to delete files/folders. Apparently, this is not possible with Office documents, as when you modify a document, it requires delete permissions...
  20. cava83

    MacBook Air 2011 Refresh - This Wednesday??

    What is wrong with your i5? beast
  21. cava83

    Samsung UE55D8000

    just seen this in comet today, gosh, their set ups doesn't do that TV any justice. 2.6k for the 55", that is a lot of money regardless how nice it is :)
  22. cava83

    WWDC 2011 & iOS5

    Re: WWDC 2011 Have you all paid to have the ability to download the iOS? I can't see it on my developers account
  23. cava83

    iphone internet

    This was quite funny :)
  24. cava83

    WWDC 2011 & iOS5

    Re: WWDC 2011 You sure that is right? For instance, if I had a business with 20 laptops and I have one single Apple ID, I could install it on all of them.
  25. cava83

    WWDC 2011 & iOS5

    Re: WWDC 2011 reading one stream, but didn't state regarding wifi, i'll get back in my corner in the office.
  26. cava83

    WWDC 2011 & iOS5

    Re: WWDC 2011 o2, Vodafone and all the other operators are going to be screwed, how the heck are the networks going to cope with the data demand.................
  27. cava83

    Buying an iPad 2

    South West trains? on the Tube? You are right though, lots of hot spots everywhere.
  28. cava83

    Apple TV

    Thanks for getting back to me :)
  29. cava83

    Apple TV

    Which theme are you using and have you added any extra plugins? I am not getting on with XBMC too much, just don't find it too logical and requires a bit of setting up that I have not spent too much looking into
  30. cava83

    iPhone 5...?

    What bit in perticular are you excited about?