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WWDC 2011 & iOS5

Re: WWDC 2011

Tabbed web browsing...thank f**k for that.

I never thought I'd ever be someone to look forward to an iOS update, but having watched that video Revels posted, there are a number of features that would be really handy. I'll be ripping the arse out of location reminders. I'm always forgetting to do things when I arrive at places.

That's going to be a really handy feature. I'm the opposite though, I always leave and forget things.

The iCloud stuff is good but most of it is just little additions that make the whole thing so much better. It's a system that works perfectly with other parts of the system. It's a bit like Sky+, Sky give you that because they know once you've had it, you won't want to get rid. So many people have iPhones and iPads and having them sync together is lovely. So instead of selling your iPhone because you fancy something with Android, you stay put because of how it all fits together.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: WWDC 2011

iOS5 looks ace! Loads of worthy additions!

I can't wait. Then Lion & the 5 later! Mint summer.
  Slow red one
Re: WWDC 2011

imessage seems good, like the new bbm for iphone. I currently use whatsapp for free texting with a mate but this seems just as good.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
This just turned up on mine


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Signed into the wrong account!

Now it does this


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Re: WWDC 2011

Is that sarcastic?

It's buy once, install on all your macs!

You sure that is right? For instance, if I had a business with 20 laptops and I have one single Apple ID, I could install it on all of them.
Re: WWDC 2011

Think I'll probably get an iPad soon then. This latest s**t makes the multiple devices thing suddenly seem a lot more appealing.
Re: WWDC 2011

Can I get ios 5 on to my handset without syncing to itunes/connecting to my mac? Reason being I'm still using my G5 and tiger doesn't support my iphone 4 so rather than waiting until I replace the mac it'd be very useful to upgrade beforehand.
  Ford Kuga Phev
Re: WWDC 2011

Turkish - you can only download it at the moment if you have a dev account, if you do have one of those then you need to download Xcode and iTunes 10.5 which both require either Snow Leopard or a Lion Beta.

Hope that helps!


ClioSport Club Member
Re: WWDC 2011

Lion looking good, improved filevault with FDE is a nice to have. And finally native full screen mode for applications.
Re: WWDC 2011

Turkish - you can only download it at the moment if you have a dev account, if you do have one of those then you need to download Xcode and iTunes 10.5 which both require either Snow Leopard or a Lion Beta.

Hope that helps!

Nope, lol

I'm hoping there will be some way to get it on to the handset without having to rely on a desktop, I guess if the worst case scenario happens I'll just have to hold out until I buy my 27' I7


  BMW 440i
Re: WWDC 2011

That video makes me want an iPad lol I do hate Apple sometimes.

Im going to try and be content with the new iMac.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Nope, lol

I'm hoping there will be some way to get it on to the handset without having to rely on a desktop, I guess if the worst case scenario happens I'll just have to hold out until I buy my 27' I7

Once you install iOS 5 you will never need a mac again. However the device would be blank if you used another machine to install it.

FYI, if anyone is considering installing ios5, don't. Its buggy as f**k.
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Re: WWDC 2011

Once you install iOS 5 you will never need a mac again. However the device would be blank if you used another machine to install it.

FYI, if anyone is considering installing ios5, don't. Its buggy as f**k.

How bad is it? Was going to put it on after work today.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Re: WWDC 2011

Lock screen notifications still don't exactly work how they should, the calendar really should show upcoming appointments, not just ones that have had their alarm "gone off".

Mail doesn't seem to update properly either, you get a bing and a notification, but when you get to the inbox there is nothing there, you have to go out of the inbox and then back into it before it appears. (at least on mobileme)
Re: WWDC 2011

Steve was all like said:
Xcode 4.2 Developer Preview, iOS 5 beta, iTunes 10.5 beta and Apple TV Software beta are pre-release software and are considered Apple Confidential Information and are subject to the terms of your iOS Developer Program License Agreement. Unauthorized distribution or disclosure of Apple Confidential Information is prohibited.


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: WWDC 2011

Evading the swear ZOMG!

I'll probably get an iPad 2 in preperation for it :)
