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Search results

  1. cava83

    Nokia N8-00 16gb

    That and android would be awesome.
  2. cava83

    HTC Desire HD (Black) or Samsung Galaxy S / Ace

    If you've tried the nexus s, how does it compare against that? :)
  3. cava83

    Ripping DVD's to NAS

    CJ, sexual. How do you find the quality of the downloads, I always check the reviews but sometimes they are not what they say. I presume you look for .mp4 files? Thanks very much. Oh and, I pressure you have XMBC on your ATV2 [nas usage] ?
  4. cava83

    Ripping DVD's to NAS

    CJ, Where are you downloading them from and additionally, are you getting them all as .mp4? Thanks, G.
  5. cava83

    Apples and Leopards and Lions, Oh My!

    It's all based on the assumption that you are being legit. The reason why it's £29 is simply due to the fact that it's an 'upgrade disc' hoping, that you are going to upgrade from the previous version, however, as stated above, it can do a full install. So, it's entirely up to you. I normally...
  6. cava83

    Apples and Leopards and Lions, Oh My!

    clean install.
  7. cava83

    Swap iPhone 4 for Google Nexus S?

    Hi, I know, crazy and stupid. But quite tempted with the Google Nexus S, the price is rather steep as I would buy it sim only. Anyway, some threads about them on here, but nothing to conclusive. Have you and if so, would you again ? Thanks, G.
  8. cava83

    Email, OSX Mail, Outlook, or ???

    Mail is superb, outlook 2011 is weird. Mail is nice and simple.
  9. cava83

    Contract opportunity - London - Contains work...

    Oh the banter, awesome :) DK, do me a favour please, wind up Lorna tomorrow, just for the fun of it.
  10. cava83

    Contract opportunity - London - Contains work...

    I'd like to say two things; 1) It is good money, if anyone can, they should go for it, obviously it depends on your financial commitments. 2) Let's thank the Hoffmeister for offering this out to CS, he didn't have to say anything but thought he would offer it out. 3) Recaro182 has ruined me, I...
  11. cava83

    MCSE Course

    Same as me (I was 4 years) and pure luck. G. :)
  12. cava83

    Contract opportunity - London - Contains work...

    Security mainly i.e mortgages. Anyhow, nice M6 !! Back to topic
  13. cava83

    Contract opportunity - London - Contains work...

    Is there opportunities of other projects occuring after this? Is detailed information available regarding the project itself? Thanks, G.
  14. cava83

    CSS Help

    Is it a photo or simply a background? If a background, make the image as small as possible and then use repeat across the X and Y access.
  15. cava83

    2009 13'' Macbook Pro - quick memory question.

    I have the same model. I use an SSD - 160gb works fine, didn't bother with a second HD, still have the DVD drive in there. The HD made a HUGE amount of difference. The price is a lot for an SS, I would get the RAM upgrade. Check permissions on your HD, might be something wrong there...
  16. cava83

    Flash designers

    I would follow Revel's advice. Used to program/design in Flash many years ago, I totally gave it up. Specially for a logo. Thanks, G.
  17. cava83

    Music through the house whats your set up?

    Love your replies, short but to the point :D
  18. cava83

    Web Host I use both, both excellent. G.
  19. cava83

    iOS 4.3

    I have found Safari to be pretty much the same in regards to speed. TomTom takes about 8 seconds longer to load. It's a new image, not an update. Have not tried airplay as of yet. Was really looking forward to the personal hot spot, blasted o2 spoilt it for me. That is about it.
  20. cava83

    MPSL lines - General basic query.

    Awesome Pink, thanks very much. What do you think about these prices? Two break out points, as I am paranoid about the single point of failure.
  21. cava83

    Music through the house whats your set up?

    Just got an ATV2, care to elaborate why they are a rip off?
  22. cava83

    MPSL lines - General basic query.

    Thanks Pinko. We currently have VPN's, but we are looking at doing larger backups from site to site as well as looking to implement VoIP throughout the offices and with the MPLS's guaranteed CoS and QoS kind of makes sense, but I see where you are coming from. We are looking at adding two...
  23. cava83

    MPSL lines - General basic query.

    Hi guys, I have 3 sites, from the same provider, with the same service 8mb SHDSL. I want to implement an MPLS network with those three sites. Currently going through a reseller and they want to charge ridiculous amounts of money, new lines, new hardware + large installation costs simply just...
  24. cava83

    iOS 4.3

    o2 suck
  25. cava83

    iTunes + external HDD = slooow

    Is it USB? If it is, is it USB 1.0 / 2.0 ? And if so, have you tried other ports? Thanks, G.
  26. cava83

    Is the MBP 13" too small for a desktop replacement?

    What a r****d :)
  27. cava83

    Is the MBP 13" too small for a desktop replacement?

    QC? What's that
  28. cava83

    Is the MBP 13" too small for a desktop replacement?

    I find the screen resolution on my 13" mbp rather small, specially when doing word documents and excel sheets, if it only had a bigger resolution. Anyhow, it's perfect to use for the majority of the stuff and I need a bigger workspace, I hook it up to my 30" ACD, problem solved.
  29. cava83

    Sky boxes are utter rubbish.

    Ask the engineer to swap over the hard drive .............. then you'll have everything on there :)
  30. cava83

    Apple TV any good?

    Depends on how big your TV is, some it doesn't make much of a difference.