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Search results

  1. cava83

    Digital Media Player - Any reason not to buy one?

    How you getting on with it?
  2. cava83

    Digital Media Player - Any reason not to buy one?

    Welcome. It has wifi so the usb drive actually shows on your network, which means depending on your wifi speed and strength youll be able to add and remive files remotely.... could not be simpler :)
  3. cava83

    Digital Media Player - Any reason not to buy one?

    I bought it for my mum. Linked with an external drive. The interface isn't amazing, but it grabs all the cover art + info it needs. The remote works well, you can use an iPhone remote. They are updating the firmware frequently and you can use spotify/netflix with it. Easy to use, clean...
  4. cava83

    Web Design - Where to start?

    Mace, do option 2 buddy. Start with that. $24.95 that's £16 a month, includes all your hosting and everything. It's up to 100 products, if you call them up, you might be able to haggle. Thanks, G.
  5. cava83

    Any web designers?

    Yes. Not sure I should be admitting to it :)
  6. cava83

    IPS Monitors?

    I am beginning to think that MaLicE doesn't like you........ :@S I think you will need to up your budget.
  7. cava83

    Web Design - Where to start?

    lol no, not at all. You have two options. 1) you pay for hosting and install a third party ecommerce tool such as opencart / zencart / magento community edition..... and maintain it yourself, do all the updates, make sure you have the right certificates and so on. 2) You pay for an ecommerce...
  8. cava83

    Any web designers?
  9. cava83

    Web Design - Where to start?

    Opencast + themeforest + [realex or world pay]% = winner
  10. cava83

    Apple TV

    My Plex has suddenly stopped working, it'll see the movies from the NAS but as soon as you load one up, Plex shuts down and I return back to the ATV2 main menu. Anyhow, what james said. It's an excellent reason so Jailbreak it.
  11. cava83

    iMac & iPad or MBP

    This is what I do. 30" ACD. but I would rather have a dual screen setup. (two screens, same size)
  12. cava83

    Samsung Galaxy Nexus

    Some points to make after a week or more of having it; 1) If you don't require all the fancy OS settings, then iOS is by far, much simpler and intuitive than Android to use, even ICS. 2) Battery is rubbish, don't use the phone much and get about 18 hours on a single charge. 3) Why do you have...
  13. cava83

    Plex - Sell my physical media?

    This is rather amusing to read. I came across the consequences of illegal behaviour when I was 6 and stole a lollypop from the shop as my mother would not buy it. That slap still gives me nightmares. How you can think it's not piracy, I don't know, but I would love to know what else goes on in...
  14. cava83

    Netflix comes to UK in 2012

    Don't have to, look below the facebook button. Gives you the option to use an alternative email address.
  15. cava83

    Samsung D6100 vs D5520

    What concerns me is how you had let her dictate what you needed/wanted ;)
  16. cava83

    Netflix comes to UK in 2012

    It's an SHDSL line :) (effectively a leased line) we are looking to change to a different provider, so I can get all the offices using the same ISP, but can't afford an MPLS as it's stupidly expensive and don't like the standard setup.
  17. cava83

    Web designers help please

    I must admit, Joomla is a lot more complicated. You have to create an article, then add a menu option, to link to that article or whatever you want. I think Wordpress is easier in that respect. Anyhow, have a play and see how you get on :)
  18. cava83

    Netflix comes to UK in 2012

    We pay 8k for our business internet one of our offices, and a BT engineer pulled out the cable at the exchange. This has happened to us in various offices through various providers over the last 5 years I have been there. It does happen :) Why is it poo on the ATV, surely should be the same in...
  19. cava83

    Netflix comes to UK in 2012

    When you do, don't do the mistake I did of trying to go for the highest spec I could price wise, without looking at real reviews. My ReadyNas is great, dual NIC's, good processor, good RAM blah blah blah, but it's bloody loud ! Even changing the fan, it's still very loud. Do some good...
  20. cava83

    Netflix comes to UK in 2012

    What happens if one of those numpty BT engineers break your local exchange? You can't watch anything of your collection :)
  21. cava83

    Netflix comes to UK in 2012

    I see where you are coming from, but sometimes people want to rip those dvd's/BR's and add them to their collection on their NAS then stream it locally via plex or whatever else. But you're right, digital content is the way to go.
  22. cava83

    Netflix comes to UK in 2012

    £50 a lot of money, if you are paying Sky and everything else on top of that, but for smarter people like you, it isn't. I too, am not the biggest fan of SKY and believe that media over BB is the way to go, specially as things improve. Netflix and Lovefilm are really kicking it off, I think...
  23. cava83

    Web designers help please

    Screw that. Backup those 5000 pics. Move the hosting from Windows to Linux, use Apache. Install Wordpress/Joomla. Use a gallery theme, with auto-resizer, which keeps the original if you want. Jobs done. You don't want to do nuts on this, front page is gay, windows hosting for general basic...
  24. cava83

    Samsung Galaxy Nexus

    OK, just got the delivery for it and set it up. I hate to say this and I sound like a total fan, but it's certainly no iPhone in regards to build quality and feel. Have not messed around with the ICS yet, so not fair to judge on that basis. Overall looks good, screen is massive compared to...
  25. cava83

    Which Media Centre/Streaming Device

    This is what I bought my mum, works great, she needs simple things. The only issue I have had is that on the coverflow, it doesn't show the movie info, however, when you are inside the movie it does. Great purchase
  26. cava83

    Samsung Galaxy Nexus

    Ah excellent, thanks for everyone's input. Nexus ordered, should get it tomorrow, iPhone sold tomorrow. I did have a Desire S a little while back for a week, could not get on with it, and the Wildfire S's we have at work, I set them up, but not the biggest fan, hopefully this will be nice. :)
  27. cava83

    Samsungs Galaxy S-II V's Nexus.

    That is one of the reasons I chose the Nexus over the SII, can't stand that Samsung skin, I know that you can put your own image on it, but i'd rather just have a 'stock' product.
  28. cava83

    Samsung Galaxy Nexus

    Even though you say you where a big apple fan I can't remember if you had an iPhone or not, if you had a 4 before then I guess it's all clear :) I've ordered one sim free, was contemplating the nexus s but better go with the latest I guess and selling my iPhone 4 on Friday to a colleague...
  29. cava83

    Best 46" LED 3D TV for under £900?

    Your eyes can only "refresh" so often, so those opting for 600Hz I think is just a bit overkill. I think 200Hz and you're good. Both LED & Plasma's have good and not so good bits about them, but I think plasma TV's are certainly more adaptive towards the technology. I think Samsung do some...
  30. cava83

    Samsung Galaxy Nexus

    I wonder what the performance with ICS is like between the Nexus Prime and Nexus S. I am still with my iPhone4, so looking to get either of those, the good thing is the Nexus S is £200 now. Adams_16v = you had any more issues with any other apps? How has your battery been?