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  1. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    I installed Lion yesterday after messing around for ages. Seems nice, some quirky things that I will figure out. Unfortunately it doesn't support my freecom password protected drive, so I can't restore my data yet without messing around with another machine :( Mail is weird, need to work that...
  2. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    Your life is now back to normal, now that you can find your midget p**n with ease :)
  3. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    I love a glossy screen, but I am outside now and it's a pain in the ass!!
  4. cava83


    Ah, a business case :) So, how do you find it, in regards to keeping you organised and document management? Do you not think a normal notepad and paper could do the same? Thinking of getting one, simply for trying to organise myself further, keeping all my research and notes in one place and...
  5. cava83

    Advice on Mac Mini

    Looks like I did, it was a rumour on the plex forums and AV forums too. My bad.
  6. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    Install it without Snow Leopard first?
  7. cava83

    Advice on Mac Mini

    I read this somewhere, I cannot remember now, been trying to find it but can't. They stated that Plex had been doing this for free for ages, and that it was right of them to sell. Something along these lines from the article I read. Could have dreamt it though :S
  8. cava83

    Advice on Mac Mini

    Sure is, but they got "bought" out by Apple, so I wonder if they will be linking it somehow with ATV3 / or their new apparent TV sets. I feel that Apple could really be in with the home entertainment, but they need to do a couple things which won't happen; 1) Allow to play multiple formats 2)...
  9. cava83

    Advice on Mac Mini

    Ah, I see. Well, I don't want to have to mess around. I can't see the huge advantage for them though, unless they have an ATV3 or something else on the way, it's actually rather annoying but there we are. Just don't understand it myself. Wish you could easily and natively stream a larger...
  10. cava83

    Advice on Mac Mini

    I want my HTPC to rip my DVD's. I don't want to use my laptop and then to transfer it over, neither do I want some extra bulk by pluggin in a DVD USB drive. I want to be forced to download movies through third party mediums...... I agree, software and general stuff, everything is available as...
  11. cava83

    iPhone 5?

    PAC lasts for 30 days on all our Vodafone business contracts, might be different for you :p
  12. cava83

    MacBook Pro Question

    It just gets cheaper and cheaper. That is what I have on mine, same model as yours, bought it a little while ago and was around £70ish or so. Bargain now.
  13. cava83

    Can anyone make iPhone apps?

    sorry, double post.
  14. cava83

    Can anyone make iPhone apps?

    Adams = did you ever built an app in the end? I am looking into this now for a client, but haven't programmed in Objective C yet.
  15. cava83

    Going to an iPad 2 from an iMac

    Didn't explain myself properly. It's not really the same as you are hosting it yourself, at home, your own restrictions......... so when you're at home you're not on the "cloud" but on the LAN ! Only on the cloud when you're out and about. Top stuff :rasp:
  16. cava83

    Going to an iPad 2 from an iMac

    I'd never want everything in the cloud, if anything, I would store a lot on my own NAS device and then allow access to it remotely, but that's about it.
  17. cava83

    IE9 - CSS

    Ah shite, forgot to mention that, I use a mac to build my sites with coda, safari is automatic for me. I do love Chrome for some weird reason :S
  18. cava83

    Revised MacBook Air.

    Time capsule, well expensive for what it is. You've spent a lot of money there, but all good quality stuff. Hope you enjoy it :)
  19. cava83

    Revised MacBook Air.

    Stick in an SSD and the increase in speed is ridiculous. I am thinking of upgrading my 13" 2009 core 2 duo, for one of the latest ones, shame about the resolution. The MBA do look great though I must admit. I always found tiger a lot better on the ram than snow leopard, a huge amount...
  20. cava83

    IE9 - CSS

    IE6, no way !! lol on a lot of the websites I have done / do, I put in a cheeky direct to download an update !!!
  21. cava83

    IE9 - CSS

    I hate it. Anyhow, solved the problem by adding the following; It's a stupid browser, stupid rendering, stupid.
  22. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    Seemed like your whole world died a minute a go .... :)
  23. cava83

    IE9 - CSS

    I hate IE9, pile of shite. Got a website working well on IE7/8, FF and also Chrome. Stupid IE9 looks shite. Why can't all browsers render the same, so annoying!
  24. cava83

    Advice on Mac Mini

    It's just ridiculous, I know everyone downloads everything, but that is not the point and as to why one should have to buy an additional drive is ridiculous. ATV3, people are saying September, if it doesn't have a disc drive now, would they do a 180 and have it on the ATV3? Disappointing that...
  25. cava83

    Business card design feedback

    I love moo :) Not the cheapest at all but like their stuff
  26. cava83

    Advice on Mac Mini

    The no DVD drive is rather disappointing
  27. cava83

    SDSL/EFM lines

    Hi, SDSL and EFM are completely both different technologies as you know, normally a 1:1 ADSL and ADSL 2+, for business are normally 10: 1 / 20: or sometimes even 50:1, which means that your download is going to be significantly bigger than your upload. Bonded routers(normally) is simply...
  28. cava83

    HTC phones

  29. cava83

    Domain name hosting with advanced DNS needed

    Longy, do you need the SRV records for Office 365? I can hook you up with my hosting if you want, or can recommend you an alternative......
  30. cava83

    WWDC 2011 & iOS5

    Re: WWDC 2011 Doesn't bother me that things don't work, I know it's a beta and thus, will encounter problems. Was simply stating what was occuring, now that I think about it, was actually a pointless post.