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  1. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    The issue is, mine isn't really a fair test, as I have an SSD and 8GB Ram. Lots of people are recommending a clean install. We did an install over Snow Leopard on my friends laptop, ran ok but not amazing. We then did a clean install, with the same apps installed and versions, the laptop ran a...
  2. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    My MBP appears to be quicker and shutting down and rebooting. What slowness are you finding?
  3. cava83

    Buying an iPad 2

    In South Carolina at the moment, so will be looking to pick up a 32gb 3G in black. Let's see how much it is overall, and what saving is had. :)
  4. cava83

    What desk does your iMac sit on?

    You tart ;)
  5. cava83

    Vodafone issues today.

    i've just moved 60 users from vodafone to o2 and everyone I have spoken to, have said how much better o2 is than vodafone for signal. However, all our 3 data cards had better signal than our o2 ones.
  6. cava83

    Buying an iPad 2

    I hope not ! I would buy it from an apple store or similar, the savings are quite large. The only issue is, people freaking me out about TAX. Id be bringing it back myself, but have a read on this forum; Quote from >>>
  7. cava83

    Website hosting - Reseller/unlimited accounts?

    You and I need to join forces :)
  8. cava83

    Facebook November 5th !

    Read it this morning. Quite amusing.
  9. cava83

    Sharing photos - for old people (not p0rn)

    Awesome, will check that out. Adam, thanks for your suggestion too.
  10. cava83

    Sharing photos - for old people (not p0rn)

    Not an ideal solution.
  11. cava83

    Android for business use

    Hi All, Currently use E71's for all business phones (60) looking to change to Android. Testing the Wildfire S at the moment, they are nice. We use MS Exchange for our email service. 1) In order to use the market place, you need a google account, I don't really want all work people to have a...
  12. cava83

    Sharing photos - for old people (not p0rn)

    Hi there, Quick query as to how you deal with old people sharing photos. My mother is rubbish with tech, and doesn't help that Hotmail change their layout frequently, thus confusing her on adding attachments. I must admit, it can be a bit tedious. She's got a new house, doing it up and...
  13. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    Depends if you need the extra features, to be fair, it's not a huge amount of money. Eugegall, stop being so negative :)
  14. cava83

    Website hosting - Reseller/unlimited accounts?

    Cool. Let us know how you get on :) Never used Fast Hosts, so would be good to get your view. Website requirements are standard so that's good. Glad you chose UK servers too :)
  15. cava83

    Buying an iPad 2

    I am off to America on Monday. Is it worth picking it up there? It's around £470 in the USA for a 32gb 3G Wifi version and in the UK it's £579. Good stuff
  16. cava83

    13 inch vs 15 inch

    A guy on the train next to me had one, I had to tell him it was massive. I think he thought I was trying to chat him up. The screen was amazing.
  17. cava83

    iPad speakers

    £900 is a lot of money, for the Sonos stuff. Why don't you get separates? Guy at work has just spent £1200 on Sonos gear and an iPad as "it's easy", but he's actually quite stupid.
  18. cava83

    13 inch vs 15 inch

    The new air has a better resolution and is apparently faster than the 13" MBP, I would consider it as an option.
  19. cava83

    Website hosting - Reseller/unlimited accounts?

    This is a heart internet reseller, I can tell by their template and coding.
  20. cava83

    Website hosting - Reseller/unlimited accounts?

    I've been using them since 2008, never really had any problems. No telephone support, all done through tickets but literally answered within 5 mins, max. They are good. C.J what kind of websites will you need? is good too. Thanks, G
  21. cava83

    VoIP security?

    One of the main issues with VoIP is when people don't use secure credentials. A hacker could therefore figure out their credentials, use their "account" to make calls and therefore the "host" gets charged and not the hacker. Some famous hackers did this, by stealing credentials, selling...
  22. cava83

    CudaTel VoIP

    Hi, Has or does anyone on here use their products? Been looking at some pbx's and they look really good bang for buck. SwitchVox is another one, but the licensing looks superior on the Cudatel. Thanks, Gabi.
  23. cava83

    Apple rant

    Get a micro sim to sim adaptor, 02 and everyone else provides them or at least should do for free.
  24. cava83

    Need to create a public Wi-Fi spot

    Anyone ? :)
  25. cava83

    OSX Lion Thread

    A lot of these issues will get resolved, they are bugs. Try hyperdock for instances, instead of launchpad, might help you more on that. It's not a crap OS, that is quite harsh, but yes, there are bugs and some problems with it, but they will all be ironed out just as they were with SL. SL...
  26. cava83

    iPhone 5?

    My old iPhone was battered because of the bumper, I used to think it was just me. I got a replacement because the home button went funny, just use a naked iPhone now.
  27. cava83

    Need to create a public Wi-Fi spot

    Hi, Need to create a public WIFI in a bar. Currently they have a 2wire piece of crap cutting out the wifi every so often. Thinking of getting another router, linking it to the 2wire, enable DMZ on the wired router and connect the DMZ port of the wired router to the WAN port of the...
  28. cava83

    What are good download and upload speeds?

    I get 2.5mbps download and 0.4mbps upload. You are doing well :)
  29. cava83

    Google apps sync - someone explain it to me?

    I know, google! Anyway, don't get it. If I want to use outlook for google apps, I can setup the account as an IMAP account, that's my emails and all that. Why do I need google apps sync?