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  1. cava83

    FAO: iPhone 4 - Queuing People

    Fenchurch street - massive queue !!!!!! Rather wait a couple of weeks :rasp: Sim only please :)
  2. cava83

    IT compliance document

    Nope, not that I know of, and I am normally pretty up to speed with stuff. Got a lot of work to do :( I just want to play with toys and break things.
  3. cava83

    Exchange Server Issue

    Sorry for the late reply, didn't see it. It's for receiving it. It ensured the domain is effectively authenticated with your outgoing email address location, your IP basically. Anyhow, I see BT have hopefully resolved it. Excellent news :)
  4. cava83

    IT compliance document

    Here is some of the information; The compliance guy just whacked it over an email of the kinds of things he is looking for. I want to be fixing things, not making documents, anyhow......
  5. cava83

    IT compliance document

    Hi, Have any of you guys written one? Our compliance guys are requiring a lot of information but don't quite know where to start, I could write endless amounts of stuff. Have already looked on google before anyone asks! G.
  6. cava83

    Exchange Server Issue

    SPF record can assist with this, Do you have one setup? Just helps authenticate where your emails are coming from, this is created by your ISP. BT and some others are even more anal now, understandably due to the amount of SPAM at the moment and hacked servers sending shite.
  7. cava83

    Virtualization - servers & desktops

    Did you guys use XenDesktop? :)
  8. cava83

    Virtualization - servers & desktops

    I see, How many hosts and guests do you have, does the cost also include the MS OS licenses or you just basing this on the VMWARE cost? Do you feel the cost was worthwhile?
  9. cava83

    Virtualization - servers & desktops

    Thanks :) Well, Citrix is hosted so it's not something I manage myself, nevertheless, I am more familiar with their infrastructure. Do you use this yourself?
  10. cava83

    Virtualization - servers & desktops

    Do you know if you looked at 3.5 or 4.0? The pricing is kind of confusing and there are so many versions on 4.0 They do it per CPU incrementals now instead of x2 and there are specific SMB products, but then you need to buy add ons, a tad annoying but hey. 50k is a lot of money, a huge amount...
  11. cava83

    Riverbed rack mount issue

    From 0-10 how much of a tw*t did you feel on the phone? :)
  12. cava83

    Virtualization - servers & desktops

    Hi guys, Done a search on the forum and have seen some good threads/posts, mainly from around 2007/2008. There has been a lot of development since then and wanted to see if you still thought VMWARE where the market leaders and your thoughts on the technology. We don't really need it at the...
  13. cava83

    FAO: iPhone 4 - Queuing People

    Oh right, ok. Well pointless to go then. Thanks for the headsup.
  14. cava83

    FAO: iPhone 4 - Queuing People

    Will they actually have simfree ones available ? Thanks, G.
  15. cava83

    iTunes 9.2 now out - full release

  16. cava83

    Few MBP Questions

    Well said !!
  17. cava83

    Iphone question?

    You cannot change the IMEI number at all on 3.0 +
  18. cava83

    iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (READ THE FIRST POST!!!)

    Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads) Not funny !
  19. cava83

    Filemaker database do i charge for it??

    If you have developed it at work, during your work commitments then defo not. If you have developed it outside work to ensure you become more efficient, improving your daily routine then still a no.
  20. cava83

    iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (READ THE FIRST POST!!!)

    Re: iPhone 4/iOS4 Info (Read this before starting more threads) What a joke! 16gb iPhone 4 starting at £499
  21. cava83

    New Mac Mini

    Server version is well expensive. They both look sexy though. Really nice.
  22. cava83

    iPhone without iTunes - awesome

    Don't know why, I cannot get along with iTunes, Also, if you use multiple machines like I do, iTunes can be a pain. Came across this, it's really good. Thought I would share it with you. PC only though :(
  23. cava83

    MCSE - London / Surrey (Guildford or near)

    PMSL DMS - do you have that course material by any chance? MJ, I will leave DMS to you, I just want to pass the exams :rasp:
  24. cava83

    MCSE - London / Surrey (Guildford or near)

    Always get overuled by the MD. Can be rather annoying. Sharepoint is sexual, if you have everything internal, even better. Even if your company doesn't pay for it, I think it should be done. 2010 is amazing, really good. Depends how quickly they need it really. Maybe we could do joint...
  25. cava83

    MCSE - London / Surrey (Guildford or near)

    Thanks DMS and The Hoff Awesome. I was thinking of doing the following; 270 - windows 7 configuration 297 - Designing a windows server 2003 AD Network & Infrastructure 630 - Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 configuration
  26. cava83

    MCSE - London / Surrey (Guildford or near)

    Don't want videos of you, just the relevant material thanks :) Next week is fine, i'll catch you somewhere in London. Thanks, very kind. Alternatively, how big are they, maybe I can host them somewhere?@
  27. cava83

    MCSE - London / Surrey (Guildford or near)

    Hoffmeister. Yap, do have experience, manage the infrastructure and so on at my work. Just don't have any qualifications and it's about time. I know quite a bit of stuff, just not all the way MS would do it....... Got some of the trainsignal videos, all 2008, relavant but not the same as the...
  28. cava83

    MCSE - London / Surrey (Guildford or near)

    Hi, Anyone done the intensive MCSE course in London or Surrey? Need to get mine out the way, but rather do the intensive course. If you have any recommendations, that's great. Thanks, Gabi.
  29. cava83

    IT job market - salary related

    Don't get me wrong, I would love to be an MCP with a MCSE, and the new 2008 equivalent (not bothered about cisco) but I just don't have the time to study. Anyhow, I'll shut up now. :) Back to thread.
  30. cava83

    IT job market - salary related

    Interesting thread. I work for an Insurance Broker in the city and I am their IT manager, all I have is an HND and Degree in computing, no Microsoft course. The stuff I do is so varied and diverse. I employee various 2nd level support guys, all know with MCSE's. ALL older. This doesn't mean...