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There was a huge recall with the 6280, take it back and it will be sent back for repair or replaced, around 90% of the first batch was recalled, those are the exact symptons which they all had.
if you get stuck, just give me a shout.
Yer I had to add something funny.
There are many ways of doing this, hundreds infact, but this is the one I use, it works well, I re-use it all the time, have a go.
All the best.
It's not simply a splash page, there is a lot of additional software that o2 bundle in there, normally it is quite good, however the processor is not very powerful, therefore it can get quite sluggish, if you remove all the "extras" and just leave it to the bare minimum in terms of just the OS...
Sorry to hear about your car.
The best ones use pixel shifting, but are expensive. The distance should not really be a problem, you are probably looking at around £100. Let me have a look for you.
I like using they are excellent and have around 20 hosting packages with them which includes email. Works out to be £50 per annum and includes a .com email for free.
They are in the states, but that is not an issue.
This is the cheapest option, i.e getting a...
you turkey.
To limit the number of characters are the following.
Yes you can use JS to validate the form client side.
here is some coding I use to validate forms.
IE is defo gay.
I used to love flash, and was really into it, but give up about 8 months ago as its just too time consuming.
JS is the way around those issues.
go to for your flash requirements, great bunch of guys.
Listen to Adams, he knows his stuff. Shame he...