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Just got me a PS3

  SLK 350
Off eBay for £360, new, UK 60gb edition, COD3, Virtua Fighter 5 and some BR film called Click.

Good deal, right? :eek:

Now I finally get to enjoy some movies on my HDTV :D

Anybody else got one that has any recommendations media wise, I think i'll need a HDMI cable(?) and just wondering what other perks they have.
  Golf GTD
think if you register it with sony uk they send you a BR copy of James Bond...not 100% sure if this is true though...
  A4 Avant
I've been dissapointed with what I've seen so far of the PS3 but I really want to have a sit down with one for a couple of hours.

Sounds like a decent price to me.

Click is a good film, good twist towards the end.
  SLK 350
film might be ok, but the console is naff. mine went back :D


I'm sure there is some glitches to be fixed and improvements to be made, but in the age of online updates that's not a problem. TBH I didn't even buy it for the games side of things, purely for the BR capability/media center. Hopefully within a year they'll be a good mod on the market too!
  FIAT PANDA 100HP!!!!
i had a quick play in a games shop on holiday, graphics are good, but the whole game play seemed slow, especially compared to xbox360.
  SLK 350
Thing to remember though is the Xbox has had lots of time to mature, and for the developers to really get to grips with the dev kits. Things ALWAYS suck to start with ;)

I haven't even played one mind, so pretty much a blind date with a PS3. As long as it plays BR movies nice and sharp though, then i'll be happy enough.
  Yaris Hybrid
I saw the latest HD Forza video and it looked ok although I am a PGR man myself.

The PS3 has definitely fallen miles short of expectations in graphics so far and the online service has lived up to the expectations - which were that it would be poor.

There is always this promise of "once they get to grips with the PS3..." but I personally am not counting on that at all. I will wait a bit and see what happens. Meanwhile they will both come down in price so I win either way.


  911 GTS Cab
thats a good buy, the console is fantastic, both for bluray and games, its very capable, ignore the people who don't own one, they don't know what they are missing.
I choose not to own one, besides the triggers on the ps3 pad are gay compared to the 360s.

I don't hate the machine in anyshape or form, but having played on one, Im certainly in no rush to get one.
  is dirty.
Yeah the triggers feel as if they will break easily. I like the fact the control pad is really light..oh and the motion sensitve on it is cool although I have tried it on motorstorm and F1 and its absolutely solid!
dont forget the game developers have not had much time to test the ps3, just wait till the new mgs (metal gear solid) comes out it will kick the xbox into touch imo,

PS3 is the DOGS NUTS
Bargain :)

Well done :)

I wish they did virtua cop again!!

Off eBay for £360, new, UK 60gb edition, COD3, Virtua Fighter 5 and some BR film called Click.

Good deal, right? :eek:

Now I finally get to enjoy some movies on my HDTV :D

Anybody else got one that has any recommendations media wise, I think i'll need a HDMI cable(?) and just wondering what other perks they have.
  Merc Coupe V6 AMG
thats a good buy, the console is fantastic, both for bluray and games, its very capable, ignore the people who don't own one, they don't know what they are missing.

i own one, and its nothing compared with the 360. i have played my ps3 mayb for 7 hours in total.

dont forget the game developers have not had much time to test the ps3, just wait till the new mgs (metal gear solid) comes out it will kick the xbox into touch imo,

PS3 is the DOGS NUTS

i hope thats a joke the ps3 has been out for nearly 7 months. and games testers get their hands on the console well before that. not to mention the year advantage on the 360. (in reality they have had since the ps2 to develop)
  Fabia vRS
i played on my m8s ps3 at the weekend and thought the controllers were poor compared to the 360 controller.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Excellent buy for the price you have paid. Ignore those who say it's crap, it is no worse than the 360 from a offline gaming stance and I'm sure the online experience will improve once we have more games available. Brilliant console for gaming, media playback via Linux and BD.
  Monaro VXR
The games will be better but as for visuals if developers start working on the 360 properly the 360 will always display better quality visuals over the PS3.

360 has more memory thats properly usable and a better graphics card. And once you take into account the OS on the PS3 in times having to use 2 of the 7 cores alone it puts the console under the 360 in terms of actual real world abilities.

However bluray drive etc is nice do want one but at the moment moving house and well my bedroom isnt even built yet. Money is going into the house right now.
dont forget the game developers have not had much time to test the ps3, just wait till the new mgs (metal gear solid) comes out it will kick the xbox into touch imo,

PS3 is the DOGS NUTS, not entirely true. They've had almost the same amount of time as the 360, as the hardware / dev kits were available from the very beginning, its only the consumers, not the developers that have seen the delay (almost 9 months). Dont forget the delay was due to the blue ray diodes not being available, the rest of the hardware was good to go. The games developers then had all this time to get used it it and polish it so in essance they have almost had a year in development prior to the UK release!

Gran Turismo HD on PS3 looks the bomb. Better than Forza IF I may stress my honest opinion.

Have you played GT HD? Its pretty 'sterile'. The viusuals are nice but definately not amazing - Forza 2 definately has the better visuals but gameplay wise we will have to wait and see. I loved GT4 but after a while the whole thing became souless, hope they fix this with GT5 / HD. I was underwhelmed by this big time (but yes I know its only a demo!)

i had a quick play in a games shop on holiday, graphics are good, but the whole game play seemed slow, especially compared to xbox360.

Whilst I may not sing the praises of PS3 (though, believe it or not I do like it), you cant blame the console on the gameplay!!!! The gameplay is entirely down to the individual game itself, not the console! Its like watching Driving Miss Daisy on Blue Ray and saying "The films on Blue Ray seem slow" lol!
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Yup. Got a 360. Wii is going to be the next one. Played one for the first time this weekend and they are very immature and childlike consoles. But are an absolute f**king hoot. lol. :eek:

I'm seem to remember Lee saying that the PS3 is much harder to develop games for than the 360 which is why we haven't seen the best from the PS3 as yet. I'm sure it will improve. just a shme Blu-ray will be a dead duck.
  Clio 172 Mk2
wish everyone would not knock a games console when its early days for it. i remember on all the gaming forums when the 360 came out, everyone was saying how crap the games were and there was nothing standout on it. Its now a year and a half later and everyone's singing its praises because of the new wave of titles that have been released. Takes at least a year from the console release until you start seeing the proper capabilities of it. Games arent created in a couple of months so its obvious titles in the future are gonna look better and better as programmers learn how to use the power more. Don't think we'll see any top quality titles on the ps3 til later on in the year but its the same for all consoles
Real advert! HeHe


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  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
ps3 is good but it's no better than the 360 and thats the point isn't it. anyway good price mate, considering they're supposed to be £425 new! click is a totally sh1t film though, unless you're a bird...
  SLK 350
Guys...lets not have some "my dad is better than yours" argument, there's a million forums on the web debating/arguing about 360/ps3. Personally I couldn't give a monkeys who thinks what is better, unless they have something good to say.

Can those with a PS3 already post up some useful links to getting Linux running on the machine, and any other goodies you've discovered or waiting for?

  Octy VRS
lol at the PS3 bashing. The thread was started by someone who was pleased with the good deal they got. Typically along come all the Xbox fan boys to say how s**t it is and rubbish his purchase.......yawn f**king yawn!

Each console has it's good and bad points. I've no doubt the PS3 will get better as the months roll on with more updates and better games. The Xbox is a great console but the PS3 will come into it's own too.

Anyway, buy Motorstorm mate and get online! It's a good laugh.

Online name - "oska75"
  SLK 350
Super, I'll check it out.

BTW - Does the PS3 have an RJ45 port, or will I have to buy some additional kit? I'm hoping I can just wire it into my router and get playing.

Also did you receive your free copy of Casino Royale mate?
  Citroen DS3 DSport
My free copy of Casino Royale arrived 4 weeks after I bought the PS3, last Friday :)

The PS3 comes with an ethernet port built-in allowing you to connect it to your router. Wifi is also standard if you have that option.
