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Search results

  1. cava83

    SQL gurus....

    Geek :) but nicely put :D
  2. cava83

    SQL gurus....

    can u post our exact input query and results too.
  3. cava83

    SQL gurus....

    should be able to. Let me dig my old sql notes :D
  4. cava83

    Interview Today ASP.NET

    any luck ?
  5. cava83

    Dreamweaver tips...........

    w3 schools is amazing. :)
  6. cava83

    Dual Xeon PC

    is it free?
  7. cava83

    New laptop + vista upgrade

    gosh dammit, i should be more specific. I am too vague. :D
  8. cava83

    best command and conquer type game on the pc?

    newer ones are a bit OTT i like the original ones :) absolutely wicked.
  9. cava83

    New laptop + vista upgrade

    It is all relative. Sony are excellent and yes the screens are expensive. yours was £1700 and u paid £130 for the added bonus of being secure , you would be mad not too. But I am talking more about PC world and curry's when they sell laptops for £400 and charge £299.99 for their...
  10. cava83

    New laptop + vista upgrade

    Should of come to me, i am sure I could of got it cheaper for you than you bought it :) 1) all the parts in your laptop have warranty anyway. i.e h/d normally 1 year, motherboard 3 years, cpu 5 years, some memories a lifetime. So their warranties are balls. you cannot install graphics card in...
  11. cava83

    New laptop + vista upgrade

    why the heck did you buy it from currys? I hope you did not take out any extra warranty melarky or anything like that!! did they give you the voucher? You are correct the website does not work but the url you give is incorrect. :) I am trying to find your link ****...
  12. cava83

    XP & Vista on same HD?

    you can partition the drive. It is not ideal to have to OS on the same partition. Then when you boot up, you can choose which one, i.e vista or xp. Or what you can do is run something like VM ware, and then have XP as your main OS and then Vista as a Window OS, issue with this is that you...
  13. cava83

    WII surfing

  14. cava83


    you run them in, for them to last longer. I did on my pioneer, you make sure that the settings are low i.e in colour and contrast, then turn it up by increments on x amount of time that the TV has been on. :) And I love my TV, specially with DVD's !! Now looking to get a 50" as my eyes have...
  15. cava83

    PC not seeing CD/DVD drives, please help!

    it would be great if you could post the link up just incase someone has the same issue and does the search facility on here....... worth a shot.
  16. cava83

    orange dolphin

    o2 will match that deal if you threaten to leave, sure they will do it on a 12 month contract !!
  17. cava83

    POP email

    you have to pay hotmail for the upgraded account in order to use the pop connectivity. Gmail is your best bet.
  18. cava83

    Pre order yours.....

    I would tell my kid to piss off if he wanted one of those !
  19. cava83

    software assurance - microsoft

    Company I work for is looking to purchase <100 licenses + software assurance. They are looking to install office 2003 and in a couple of years go to 2007. They are trying to cut down on the long term costs of maybe upgrading and the 24x7 support + extras. I dont know if it is worth it.
  20. cava83

    software assurance - microsoft

    Do any of you guys have it in the office and do you find it as a huge benefit, in terms of support and features. Some suppliers tell me its a 3 year contract, some a 2 year. Which is it. Microsoft does not really explain much.
  21. cava83

    Pre order yours.....

    would do. But its too expensive for just a console.
  22. cava83

    Leased Lines

    we run a data center of our 2 meg leased line and its pretty quick
  23. cava83

    AJAX, and why IE sucks!

    how did you sort it and have you got the example?
  24. cava83

    Sky for £26

    Wish this would have come out a couple of months ago, as I would have not of got NTL instead. The channels are basically review channels, the great thing is the phat internet and phone. I think it is an 18 month contract though.
  25. cava83

    Leased Lines

    leased line is better than SDSL as you are the only one on the line, and the contention is 1:1!! SDSL is expensive too. you are looking at least a couple of hundred a month.
  26. cava83

    Ubuntu - this is quality

  27. cava83

    OEM Licenses - updated 30/1 with new Office 2007 rules

    Re: OEM Licenses Why??
  28. cava83

    Website hosting ?? Where

    thats bloody cheap @) good find.
  29. cava83

    windows defender

    All windows defender links go straight to Microsoft, unless you want to download it on another computer and wack it on a USB or something.
  30. cava83

    Website hosting ?? Where $7.95 per month + free domain. $7,95 * 12 = $95.40 exchange rate to usd is nearly 1/2 therefore its around £48 and you get a free domain which can cost up to £10 roughly. Excellent, quick service, great control panel, huge specs.