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Search results

  1. cava83

    Itunes to MP3 on a CD?????

    thats so bad :( Sorry I cannot help on this.
  2. cava83

    nintendo wii

    I love them. PS3 is way too much for a games console and dont want to hear "oh its a blue ray DVD player too" but its nice. Xbox 360, nice, wait til the HDMI one is released.
  3. cava83

    help plz, sourcing a css menu.

    here This is well good, go to the CSS section. Do it all is CSS. :) great menus.
  4. cava83

    IT Jobs

    why u got 2 user names
  5. cava83

    web page help

    :) Perfect answer, Sorry I did not reply after, had to go out and fix something urgently. Thanks.
  6. cava83

    web page help

    so you want it to be the full width, regardless of browser size?
  7. cava83

    web page help

    are you hosting it somewhere so I can have a look for you?
  8. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    oh just re-read it, i did not use munchkin with a negative connetation, is a word I use daily unfortunately. :S Will need your help to be honest. Is 35 x volume licenses office 2007 pro big enough for something you would deal with? Need to see what prices I can get, maybe you could be a...
  9. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    ha !!! I am not an expert, only been in the game 10 months. Glad you took the munchkin thing on the chin!!! I phoned him 2 introduce myself too, if he does not buy, it does not matter :) You are the expert, so will leave it to you :) Anyways, thanks for replying, and what a gorgeous day!
  10. cava83

    IT Jobs

    get DAIR a junior job !!
  11. cava83

    where to go next...:)

    get the stuff i bought off you on my doorstep !!! :)
  12. cava83

    where to go next...:)

    too much money ! Get laid instead of buying stuff
  13. cava83

    IT Jobs

    You should give yourself a Pat in the back :) Well done :)
  14. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    shut it !!!!! After speaking to him over the phone, and actually using proper communication, I was able to provide him with the correct product!!! You munchkin!! Typical sales my ass :) I phoned him, checked all was ok, got him an excellent price, most likely better than urs mr number 1 and...
  15. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    You are welcome, sent another email with more info :) Good luck!! All about helping each other :D
  16. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    Bless :) Lets give you a big hug :)
  17. cava83

    IT Jobs

    I started on 20k as my first IT job 10 months ago. Im on 22k now. :) Was on lots more when I worked for NHS. My friend who was at uni with me got offered a job of 40k + all paid for, accomodation, food everything, and turned it down to go and see his GF in Australia..........
  18. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    cool, let me know what you need. Will need payment first. I will also send you invoice :) If you wish, I can do all your purchasing for you :)
  19. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    I can get it send to you directly at cost :)
  20. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    £115.41 ex vat
  21. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    so this is full retail and not OEM? Give me 2 mins
  22. cava83

    IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

    let me see what price I can get it for :)
  23. cava83

    Google Checkout

    thought we were in 2007 Bloody English spelling!! Muchas Gracias
  24. cava83

    Google Checkout

    What language is that :@S
  25. cava83

    IT Jobs

    well i work for a small company and working up is hard. but I like the small environment. Must be well hard getting into a large company, once in you are fine.
  26. cava83

    IT Jobs

    ai !!! Microsoft dominate a lot, wish I used other OS, but to be annoying, I am so used to MS that when i use my mac at home, I find it harder :eek: :)
  27. cava83

    IT Jobs

    Yer, cannot even install vista :rasp:
  28. cava83

    04 plate black 182 A3/Weybridge !!

    today at 8.40 but normally around that time. 2x 182's that I see most mornings :) makes me real jelouse.....
  29. cava83

    website design - what do you think.

    fixed width now. Not my first site, I normally do flash. all good learning though. Is it that bad ?
  30. cava83

    website design - what do you think.

    True, true, but its hard :) Trying here. :dapprove: Woooop Woooop I am having a camera and some jeans that wont fit me !!!