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  1. D

    Lumpy Engine, wanting to die

    God do these cars need looking after, the person who had it before had done it to death, and I am giving this vehicle a new lease of life, and parts from Renault are surprisingly cheap lol
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    Lumpy Engine, wanting to die

    Resolved all problems, the engine management temperature sensor was playing up and fixed. Cleaned up all electrical connections and have given the car a thorough service, she is running sweet. Now fitting central locking, watch me scream in this space
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    Lumpy Engine, wanting to die

    Okay I have done some serious checking over this engine and the lambda is one of the problems, but the main one seems to be the engine management sensor, which is a white sensor located on the side of the engine, does anyone know what the brown sensor is?? this is located right next to the...
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    Engine Model Code

    I have a mk1 clio with the ENERGY engine in it, but what is this when it comes to servicing codes and looking up spares for it as it isn't listed anywhere. Trying to get sensors for it and other related parts there are codes such as RT etc etc in the books and even the Haynes manual doesn't...
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    burning smell

    Possibly you may have oil on your exhaust, is your engine pretty clean?? Slight little bit on your manifold and when it gets extra hot you get a lovely burning smell
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    door staybar come off

    On my passenger side it seems the stay bar isnt attached to the door and my door swings open more than 90 degrees. Can this be easily repaired or has it just popped out??
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    Uprgrading Keep Fit Manual Windows to Electric Windows on a mk1

    If it is straight forward then will the fuses have to be placed in to make these work. And would things be that simple. has anyone done this conversion before
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    Lumpy Engine, wanting to die

    Thought it might be an air leak on the throttle body but this was still there when I had the old air box on it. i have taken all of that off and replaced with a k&n which I have sealed well. I thought Twin plates were better for spark, they are meant to give better performance than single...
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    Lumpy Engine, wanting to die

    Sorry but what is the ISCV??? New to this. Where is the coolant temp sensor as I am running blind without a haynes manual and this is nothing like a zetec engine
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    Uprgrading Keep Fit Manual Windows to Electric Windows on a mk1

    How easy is it to upgrade from manual windows to Electric. I have ripped all the parts off fro electric windows but haven't yet looked inside mine, but i have been told its pretty much plug n play. Is this true, or are things a lot more complicated.
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    Lumpy Engine, wanting to die

    I have a Mk1 clio and have been reading through the various posts and found out that this may be a common problem. When starting my car from cold it seems restricted, and won't let me get anywhere, it seems if I put my foot down in second gear and take it to its range it clears the problem...
  12. D

    Renault Clio MK1

    Just recently purchased a very basic Mk1 clio with keep fit window handles. Is it straight forward to convert these to electric and possibly put in central locking. What steps and parts do I need to do this