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Lumpy Engine, wanting to die

  renault clio mk1
I have a Mk1 clio and have been reading through the various posts and found out that this may be a common problem.

When starting my car from cold it seems restricted, and won't let me get anywhere, it seems if I put my foot down in second gear and take it to its range it clears the problem rather quickly, but when I am sitting at ligths its starts to hunt like its misfiring but I know its not.
This has even cut out before now.

i have changed the plugs for twin plates, put on splitfire leads and have cleaned the throttle body and put on a K&N filter and it still gives me grief.

I know the exhaust has a slight leak so its going back to kwik fit to be checked out.

Any further advice.
  Corsa C 1.8 SRi 16v
exhaust could be causing this, if its losin back pressure it wont run right.... get that sorted and see what happens
  renault clio mk1
Sorry but what is the ISCV??? New to this. Where is the coolant temp sensor as I am running blind without a haynes manual and this is nothing like a zetec engine
idle speed control valve.

fior starters get rid of the plugs, go for single electrode.

what engine is it?

Hunting idle is usually down to lambda sensors, but can also be an air leak on the inlet/ or tb.
  renault clio mk1
Thought it might be an air leak on the throttle body but this was still there when I had the old air box on it. i have taken all of that off and replaced with a k&n which I have sealed well. I thought Twin plates were better for spark, they are meant to give better performance than single electrode surely. But then Renaults are new to me, I am a Ford Person normally. Where is the Idle speed control valve located on this. I am also going to give the car a good steam clean as there is lots of oil over it from the last person that owned this vehicle. Also as I have noticed the header tank hisses no matter how tight its done up and even after hard driving it seems there is no pressure in the system, could this be another ongoing problem. Its a 1.2 engine by the way.
  renault clio mk1
Okay I have done some serious checking over this engine and the lambda is one of the problems, but the main one seems to be the engine management sensor, which is a white sensor located on the side of the engine, does anyone know what the brown sensor is?? this is located right next to the engine management sensor.
  renault clio mk1
Resolved all problems, the engine management temperature sensor was playing up and fixed. Cleaned up all electrical connections and have given the car a thorough service, she is running sweet.

Now fitting central locking, watch me scream in this space
