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Search results

  1. F

    Leaving the Cup for 6 weeks

    If you wash the car before putting it away make absolutely sure that the brakes are dry before storage. A quick run around the block may not be enough as the pads will have water in them still. The water can react with the pads to create a mild acid that will rust and attack your discs. If...
  2. F

    Hit a cat

    I hit Rabbit - took out a fog light at 40mph. A Pheasant, which took out my rad grill and splattered blood all over the front of my car - very death race 2000 looking... A Pigeon removed my door mirror at 70mph - very cleanly I thought. A cow - actually I was stationary and the cow ran...
  3. F

    NIP for speeding

    Speedtrapbible F
  4. F


    Doh, you guys! Just found the FAQs on the home site. Why no one tell me this eh?;) Anyway, think Im just about fully up to speed now. Just gotta buy it now... F
  5. F


    Andy, YHPM. F
  6. F


    Hillpower eh? Interesting, got links for these chaps? I like the coilover idea as well as throttle bodies hmmm delicious F <A onclick="javascript:openWin(IE_emoticons_smilies.asp,smilies,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=400,height=400)">
  7. F


    Ah ha, thats the ticket Champ agne! Top jobbie. Could do with adding some suspension differences/brakes extra. Im looking for a Cup based track car but need to work out the best engine for power and reliability as well as upgrade options. F
  8. F


    OOOOKKKKKAAAAYYYY! Right then, I could do the search thang but thats just so booooring - yawn;) I just want a story... It started with the Williams, which had a 2.0l engine and was limited edition until renault got greedy and did a version 2 etc:D Surely theres something like that or a...
  9. F

    Speeding at night (Non racing)

    Exactly ;) F
  10. F


    Hi Chaps and chapeses ;) Ive just joined the site and its very civilised :o I like it! Im thinking about getting a clio as a track car but need some advice. Is there a FAQ that I can check out? I need to know the history of the recent quick models, with strengths and weaknesses please? Also...
  11. F

    Speeding at night (Non racing)

    It has been known on some motorways to see a talivan. Ive never seen one myself but theres always the first time :( F