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  1. K

    my clio 182....

    had same problem, it was winter and was well cold with snow an ice. happened twice. tested traction and abs and they were both working ok , seems it was just the lights coming on. if they come on again test abs and traction in safe place then you know you can drive as normal.(like nutter)
  2. K

    new clio (III) website

    looks like 206
  3. K

    182 loud whistling noise

    plip sensor, wot? sure its not the nibbler shaft. still doing my head in .
  4. K

    182 loud whistling noise

    think so as was doing it all winter
  5. K

    182 loud whistling noise

    anyone get loud screeching whistling noise from front passenger side at 80+. well loud, usually kicks in about 100 but if windy 80+. tried pulling in wing mirror but no different.