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  1. W

    Airfield Day 22/04/07 Pics

    Chris is a better photographer than I, no question there. The "fish eye" shot isnt a fish eye mate, just wide angle. Fish eye has uber distortion. I'll catch ya on msn at some point mate, can chat then :) At uni atm, so ill try and get round to posting the requests up tonight if poss. Thanks...
  2. W

    Airfield Day 22/04/07 Pics

    Thanks for the comments guys, Much appreciated :)
  3. W

    Airfield Day 22/04/07 Pics

    lol, that it was. hit 21 degrees iirc? Was a good day :)
  4. W

    Airfield Day 22/04/07 Pics

    Hi all. Here is quite a few as I couldn't narrow it down to 20. Hope you like them! Appologies if there isn't one of your car on here, I tried to get an even spread as possible. If you let me or matteh know, we shall see...
  5. W

    Dartmoor mini mini meet :D

    We have a good working relationship. I like taking pics, Matt likes driving. Sorted :D
  6. W

    Willy wheels are back!

    Hehehe! Could ask Sinny, he knows the city quite well?
  7. W

    Willy wheels are back!

    Yay! I can post again! Oh for the logging in goodness! Yer, loving the late night photo trips mate, when exams are over, shall have to scout some more places in the Ex masssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve to get some more shots. Getting the Sigma 10-20mm lens in 2 weeks as well, so should be able to get...
  8. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    No drama mate Glad to help :)
  9. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    It double posted... Please delete.
  10. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    Sent to your hotmail addy mate. all three that you requested!
  11. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    ^^^ ........Me? :o
  12. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    It wasn't easy, and alot of them came out naff, so deleted them. But a few came out alright... will try 1/50th next time :D Selling the 50-500 eventually if anyone is interested?
  13. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    Ooh Freebone mate, I edited that image u send me, i think you'll like the results :) If you want me to have a look at any more, please feel free to email them to me at Will be glad to help out!
  14. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    Ill agree with that clarkey, although i dont know what your other ideas have been :D. Yer mate, the 50 - 500. Im looking to sell it early next year. Interested? Sorry about the D50 mate, must have been a right pain in the rear. Have u sent it back? White van man. top dude!
  15. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    Hehe - Just as well it didnt break! that would have sucked, cos Clarkey couldnt have fixed that as well :D Cheers mate! photographer - forum rank. ;)
  16. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    Many thanks mate :)
  17. W

    Airfield Day 19.11.06 pics.... Yet more

    Allo all Here is my offering of pics for the day. Hope you like them. Many thanks to matteh for hosting and resizing :) These can also be seen...
  18. W

    Airfield day 19-11-2006

    Patience my man!
  19. W

    Airfield day 19-11-2006

    ^^^ I'm a busy man my friend! Doing the first of them now, 53 pics so far. Will ask matteh if there are any others he recommends putting up. Should be done by tonight. OOH a note for everyone, Do people want plates banked? Or are you not much bothered?
  20. W

    Airfield day 19-11-2006

    Cheeky mofo! :rasp:
  21. W

    Airfield day 19-11-2006

    For the Calendar? Add me to msn, Chuck2k@hotmail dot com and ill send it over. I done the V6 rally one already, did that last night, and waited for you to add me?
  22. W

    Airfield day 19-11-2006

    Alright guys and girls! Excellent day! Good to meet you all, and to see a few familiar faces :) Took over 450 shots, but have deleted about 100 already. I shall pick 15 - 20 of the best ones and touch them up a bit in CS2. Will post some time in the week as matteh said. I'll post them on my...
  23. W

    Exeter Mini Meet

    Hehe, thanks. I'm looking forward to the track day, I have only ever shot moving cars (well bikes actually) once, so dont have to high hopes for my shots, I'll do the best i can :) I understand there is another photographer going, we shall have to join forces as i understand this person has a...
  24. W

    Exeter Mini Meet

    LMAO! That thing was tiny!
  25. W

    Exeter Mini Meet

    Thanks, yes I do :rasp: The lens, like all other lenses, dont make the effects, the photographer does. :approve: Hi to all btw, Good to meet some of you before even joining, had a great time. Woodsy