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Search results

  1. E


    28 Euro, but D4ve said they are no longer available at Renaultsport:dapprove:
  2. E


    Thank you!! In the cataloque it looked much shorter..:approve:
  3. E


    Thats nice, this renault webside boutique sucks when you search a little thing like that:D :
  4. E


    Good morning, i need the part number of the renault cup front tow eye...i only found the number of the rear one.. Thank you! =) MFG Freddy
  5. E

    k-tec fcs car

    here are mine: love the interior :)
  6. E

    Some pics with my new cam :-)

    i think the only "no go" is the rear bumper+exhaust.. the rest fitts , very nice colour!
  7. E

    Post pics of your Black clio in here

    mine :)
  8. E

    few pic's from the weekend

    yes, one the bonnet. i only thought: poor guys this long way for crappy weather^^ only sunday was good, or?
  9. E

    few pic's from the weekend

    is it possible that i saw you today driving trought Adenau? i only noticed two right steered clios from blue , one black
  10. E

    Your Car's Greatest Moment Captured

    Little trip to Nürburgring:
  11. E

    Your Car's Greatest Moment Captured

    a little trip to nürburgring....