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  1. P

    Fans blowing all the time..

    Mine is capput too. I've seen units on ebay. Any one had any success changing one over? 1 is it easy to do? 2 did it fix the problem?
  2. P

    Dirty Thieving Scum

    I had mine nicked too, I'm on the IOW so I very much doubt its the same people! Mine weren't even painted or even in mint condition so fook knows why they wanted them! Anyone know of a better way of attaching them to prevent a repeat?! Whilst I agree with violence not being the answer for these...
  3. P

    My 182 Project thread

  4. P

    IOW 172's

    Just thought I'd have a see if anyone had spotted me! I could have been the silver one in Tescos. I've since added an aftermarket exhaust (still not sure about it!), might help you identify me! :)
  5. P

    rear dampers how much?

    Made me laugh, the bloke on the parts counter said "Thats Cheap!" as he pulled it up on the computer. Obviously worked for Renault for a while!!
  6. P

    rear dampers how much?

    £110 inc Vat from dealer yesterday! could have been worse I guess!
  7. P

    Changing my exhaust

    I've bought a stainless mid section and back box for my 172. However when I tried to fit it last week I couldn't get the bolts that secure the mid section to the cat undone. I was thinking of cutting them off with a grinder and replacing, if I get nuts/bolts of the same size head, will that do...
  8. P

    Broken seat!

    Mine has done the same, when you say lift up the you mean take the handle out somehow?
  9. P

    Overheating Problems

    Hoorah! A radiator hose had split, not a head gasket. Thank god for that.
  10. P

    Overheating Problems

    Thats the odd part, the engine was running fine and smooth. Perhaps I'm just grasping at straws in the hope its not going to cost a mint to fix. :(
  11. P

    Overheating Problems

    Hi Guys/esses, I've had my 172 for the massive period of 6 days and its overheated on me. The STOP light and the Engine STOP light came on last night on the way home. The temperature guage had gone right up. I stopped the car in a side road where it still sits now. At the time I had no...