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  1. D

    Advice on DSLR camera buying...

    I asked a mate what he would buy and this is the link he emailed me only a couple of days ago. I have no idea about cameras but I am sure like most blokes I fancy one due to the fact that everyone else has one! The price does seem...
  2. D

    Handle with care!!!

    Never :lolup: What about your granny? Is that also allowed? The boss is fine with us using the internet at work but I did spend a while the first night reading many of the post here and really got my girlfiends backup as I did not get to bed until after 3am and was then late taking her to...
  3. D

    Handle with care!!!

    I am new to the whole concept of forums so joining here was like learning to walk for the first time. Any advice or tips would be gratefully received!