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    a few spotted @ Nurburgring 21/23 may 2010

    ah yeah i parked next to him in the field.. :D
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    a few spotted @ Nurburgring 21/23 may 2010

    porkie.. was admiring what look like speedline corse wheel.. was looking around to ask owner about the car, then all of a sudden the d8eam plated ferrari pulled up behind and you jumped out of that into the clio.. mint.. jamieG, kept seeing u all over.. i was in a candy white ibiza fr
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    a few spotted @ Nurburgring 21/23 may 2010

    i only came across it in grass park opposite the start entrance.. looked sweet.
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    a few spotted @ Nurburgring 21/23 may 2010

    looked mint.. stood out from the rest.. which cant be a bad thing another for the sakes of it
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    a few spotted @ Nurburgring 21/23 may 2010

    i liked the last one.. the kid drove his ferrari down and just used the clio for the track.. mint..
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    clio 17poo cup

    looks well and i reckon it goes well for a standard cup. definatly couldn't catch it in the black gti.. and that black gti has done a few bit of clio 172 slaying itself. its a shame the oil temp gayness thingy would lift the limiter for you at york.. the diablo red 106 gti with exaust...
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    clio 17poo cup

    poootang. think iv seen the bright gti ur on about knocking about :D just remember wat clio looks like now bcoz it will look mint when its done.. iv no doubt.. owwww..... whats occuring
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    2003 cliosport 172 black ** £2400

    hey up.. some of you may reconise it from meets but time to sell. job loss forces it. dint quite get to where i wanted to be with it but a good little car none the less.
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    k tec ecu problems

    well not payed for it yet. whats the best way forward then. only had the car a few weeks and need more speed. heard about these rstuner maps. how do i go about getting one of those? i know this is the lazy way but someone with experiance showing me the way if far easier than tryng to self...
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    k tec ecu problems

    or maybe he had it mapped at k-tec like u said..he reckoned all i had to do is turn ignition on. wait for lights to stop flashing then turn ignition off and back on again. but it didn't work.
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    k tec ecu problems

    bought it off a mate who bought it direct off ktec. worked on his 182. bought it about 2 years ago. the need for a new ecu is bcoz its mapped up. any ideas about how to reset the ecu to my car??
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    k tec ecu problems

    er..not totally sure.? the ecu looks bang same as original one with the codes and siemans wrote on it. plus it in and it just doesn't quite want to start. how do i check which one i have?
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    k tec ecu problems

    bought a k tec ecu and the car wont start up with it on. the immobiliser light does not flast when ignition is on its just a constant light. is there a certain procedure to get the car to adjust to the ecu or is it no good. what are main things to check? cheers
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    clio 182. sheffield tankersley. about 1am this morning.

    barnsley is a small town of sheffield :P
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    Red clio.(trophy i think) doncaster dome. about 10.30pm

    i believe it was someone from nottingham way. was at the meet on sunday. said he had been to donny to the cinema.
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    clio 182. sheffield tankersley. about 1am this morning.

    blue clio 182 with the white strips over top. parked up having a chat i believe in macdonalds car park at tankersley. any 1 on here
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    Red clio.(trophy i think) doncaster dome. about 10.30pm

    coming out of doncaster dome towards racecourse. looked tidy. not 100% sure but the driver looked to have glasses on.
  18. U

    new memeber. sheffield. black 172 on white wheels.

    hi everyone. will get some piccys up soon and will be attending some meets in the not so distance future. play safe