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  1. L

    Where can I get new parts from? Airbox and Exhaust Mount?

    Chaps, Any recommendations on good sources of parts - new preferably? Renault direct aside, are they are good Europart suppliers or online pattern part options? Ta
  2. L

    ***How much is it worth?***

    Another!! What's my car worth?? Chaps, Just been offered my perfect car, so the Clio has to go! Only had it about 4 weeks, and it took me 8 to find it!! 2004 172 in Flame 33k 2 owners Immaculate FRSH Completely standard and has had belts and new tyres! Is it worth £4800 private? Trade...
  3. L

    Driver door frame rattle - any ideas?

    Chaps, Just picked up my 172 today. She's a clean one, all good....except for an annoying rattle from the drivers door frame, near the 'b' pillar... Any ideas on what it could be/where to look? Ta!
  4. L

    My new 172 - help with sorting out some niggles?

    ...don't suppose that Trophy was from James was it??? ...I was going to go and buy that bugger, but he wasn't free until the w'end!!....but, he's just texted me to say that it's gone!! Fair point, my ideas what the colours are......I'll go ask ma gran what she thinks!! It'll be...
  5. L

    My new 172 - help with sorting out some niggles?

    no, it's a plum red one... even if it's a parallel, as long as it was bound for the EU, should be okay on spec I imagine? Seat sorted - torch and investigate....snapped spring retainer....but, it's at it's lowest setting anyways! Will whip out that sensor and try to grease.... Hoping...
  6. L

    My new 172 - help with sorting out some niggles?

    People, I've just picked up a 172 (was supposed to be a 182 - long story!!).... It's a really nice, 30k late 04 and overall I'm really impressed with it... It does have a few little bits that need attention, so I thought I ask those in the know....historical fixes and all that!! Main rattle...
  7. L

    My 182 has a cone induction kit - do they do anything?

    ...yes, still getting the 200....but, needed a car and the wait on the 200 is about 8, I put in a cheeky offer on the 182 and they took it!!... Will be in the classifieds shortly.....!!
  8. L

    When is a Cup a Cup...or not a Cup??

    Errm.... No No No (has blanks!) I wonder whether the side pillar badges have been taken off...or come off if the owner polishes too much!!
  9. L

    My 182 has a cone induction kit - do they do anything?

    ...thanks chaps, I'll get it switched over!!! ..looking forward to getting into it...!!esp as I've never driven one!!...
  10. L

    When is a Cup a Cup...or not a Cup??

    Chaps, Just purchased a 182 Cup accident...!! However, have just realised that it doesn't have the small 'cup' badges on the 'B' pillars.... A little concerned now that it might not be a cup....!! It's in the orangy/sunburst colour and has the cheaper looking vinyl front...
  11. L

    My 182 has a cone induction kit - do they do anything?

    Chaps, Whilst waiting for delivery of my new RS200, I noticed a tidy 182 at a local dealership....and bought the thing!! It's really tidy, low mileage and I think, well taken car of. Checked under the bonnet and someone has swapped out the airbox for a green induction cone filter...