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  1. K


    thanks very much guys, gona print this thread out for him. think hsi interview is next week. any decent phone websites around or is it better to just use the actual manufacturer website?
  2. K


    not a lot, he doesnt have access to the internet, he lives away at uni its just a part time job for him. i said id help out but im clueless myself ha! i take it they will want a good knowledge of current handsets and that kind of thing?
  3. K


    its an independent shop, supplies all networks. well its not a shop assistant as its a team leader role. any help or advice for the interview and where to find information on current and new phones/networks would be helpful. cheers
  4. K


    hey guys, my younger brother has recently applied for a team leader job in a phone shop but has no pat experience in the field. i thought id help him out a little and see if anyone on here had any advice for the interview or good websites for research etc? cheers k
  5. K

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    of course ps3... ;) ill add ya later
  6. K

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    jus found this thread, im into it :D will be online tonight about 11 anyone else be on? kyle-mcg is my username
  7. K

    Funniest Thing You Have Been Told By A Dealer...

    where about in west lothian you from mate?
  8. K

    first day of my iceberg 172

    remember thinking the same thing when i got my 172 back in the day lol enjoy your new car mate
  9. K

    Why me???

    its the pain in the arse of it all that really annoys ya eh. feel for ya buddy
  10. K

    Do you use traction control?

    just asking as i tend to just leave it on day to day, cant do any harm. only going to benefit me if it goes pear shaped. by traction control i meant the ESP button which i was under the impression was traction control. i may be misled here? think i would only turn it off if wanting to have a...
  11. K

    Do you use traction control?

    just wondering if people tend to turn it off or do you tend to jus keep it on?
  12. K

    Totalled my car this evening on way back from Milton Keynes :( Through a Fence

    that will polish out. na kiddin bud. thats a gutter. friend of mine had a white s2000 worth about £10,000, he insured it third party fire and theft as thats all he could afford, cost him £2500 for the year. he wrote it of last month. lost the car, had to pay up the insurance to claim for the...
  13. K

    hello neebs!

    unlucky. lol kiddin. wat u drive?
  14. K

    thinking of changing the 182

    yeh i reckon if your gonna do anything, get a ph1, because at least then you will be getting a decent amount of cash in the back pocket. otherwise keep the 182.
  15. K

    hello neebs!

    you mean am i from there or bought it from there? no to both lol confused at the girl bit :S ive not had a chance to give it a good clean but will upload pics as soon as i have :D not from edinburgh, from bathgate bud u?
  16. K

    thinking of changing the 182

    well depend how much you need the extra coin. like someone else said your really only to get about £2k left over. personally, unless your in debt or really need the coin id just keep the 182. however if theres loads going wrong with it then maybe you do wana think about getting rid.
  17. K

    Clio Sport Ownership Question/s

    im about to start a similar thread.. ive owned about 10-12 cars (off the top of my head) in 3 years, some of them ive really loved but sometimes you cant refuse an offer. i tend to get bored quite quickly too. just got my 182 2 days ago, i used to have a 172 but it didnt last me long prob 4...
  18. K

    green light for changing gear...

    impressed :P
  19. K

    182 Black/Gold

    black/gold? just looks black to me or am i missing something?
  20. K

    Shiny Car!

    very impressed mate, got that biatch shined right up. need to do that to my new 182 :D
  21. K

    hello neebs!

    After a gap of about 8 cars between my ph2 172 i have returned to the renaultsport scene :D picked up my 182 earlier tonight :D still nursing a semi from the drive home.... k