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  1. A

    my 182

    this is my little 182 after fitting the ktec coilovers
  2. cs_dave

    spotted bg 182 l12 ejx

    Spotted merry hill very nice car! 5.44 today
  3. T

    750MC clio 182 lap times around Oulton

    Does anyone know how quickly the 182 race cars go around Oulton Park ? What's your fastest lap time and what spec was your car, i'm trying to gauge some comparisons Thanks
  4. Marc.

    '05 RB182, Abingdon

    Just now heading into Fairacres Industrial Estate. Driving like a hero in the pouring rain - careful you don't bin your race car, you wouldn't look so awesome then....
  5. anthonymayow

    Inferno 182, whats your thoughts on this? honestly, what do you guys think of it? asked for close ups of rear quarter (by side skirt) and both sides and doors. need it as a daily runner. cheers
  6. J

    Hopefully soon to be a 182 owner

    Hi guys Was recommended to join this site by Tony Beckett who works for Demon Tweeks. Having owned peugeot gtis/rallyes for some years, i fancy myself a change, and am hoping to find myself a meticulously looked after Full Fat 182. No doubt there will be lots of reading for me to do on this...