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02 or Vodaphone?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Right, I am sick to the back teeth of Orange's network dropping out on me. I am paying for a service that they are failing to deliver. So, I am thinking of cancelling under the unfair contract terms, or sale of goods act.

However, I am confused as to who to go with next. All I ask is an internet service that works when I ask it to, and picture messages that dont take a week to get delivered.

Currently paying £35 a month, and get 600mins, unlimited texts and 500mb internet. Now, I have a Galaxy S. However, I see this as now belonging to me. There is notjhing in the Orange contract that stipulates I have to give it back. Do I go sim only, or just sign up to a new contract and get a new phone??



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I'm sick of people posting in the wrong f**king section. How hard is it?
Good luck with the cancellation. Your contract will state that because the network uses radio based signal they cannot guarantee signal. Wouldn't surprise me if it's point 1 of the contract. The dropping is most probably to do with the T-Mobile switching. In-call switching is being tested in the real world from this week and if it goes well the roll out will be fairly quick.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Orange + Tmobile is CRAP!!!!

I'm with o2, they are not MUCH better, but do the job!

Ive heard mixed reviews of Vodafone!

Depends on where you live etc mate, some people will love providers, others will hate. It all depends on coverage in your area.

I'm happy with o2 tbh!
  Toyota MR2 GT Turbo
Flol at the title!
But I've always been with Vodafone, never fails me.

My girlfriend is on 3, and it's the worst thing ever!
  Bus w**ker
Have you tired to cancel?
Let me know how it goes. Genuinely.

As he's been complaining about it for the past 12 months+ I'm gonna go ahead and say no.

Anyway, Phil for what you're paying you could have just got an iPhone. You know you wish you had.

Out of the two I'd go (and did) with o2, if you're fixed on sticking with your HTC thing then just go Simplicity and save some cash to spend on childrens bikes and s**t, innit. But like everyone else I can't see that you're getting out of your contract for free on those grounds.
o2 Simplicity + quidco cashback = win. Works out about £13 p/m for me now.

I was on Orange and it was epic, then within a few days of this T-Mobile pish going live it just died a death, texts not sending, calls dropping out, data falling on its arse and general inconvenience. I tried to cancel but got transferred to some Indian that told me to reset my phone etc.

They tried to say it was my phone but as soon as I stuck an o2 sim in my phone it went to HSDPA when the Orange sim only got GPRS. I live accross the road from the Orange mast aswell ;).
  Kawasaki ER6N
I canceled my orange contract 5 months into it due to poor signal. They checked o to see the usage and saw it was minimal due to no signal it home. Had to send phone back though.

Now with o2 again and much better.
  Golf GTD Mk7
Vodaphone was poo round, so stopped using them. Granted that was nearly 13 years ago now, but i've been with o2 ever since.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I did this last year. I bought out of my remaining orange contract and I got my iPhone 4 on Vodafone and ne'er looked back. It cost me£100 ish to buy out of orange and it was pretty straight forward tbh.

Then It was a told up between O2 and Vodafone for the iPhone. I went with Vodafone because they offered me a silly cheap deal that was too good to turn down. I have never been with Vodafone before but I can tell you that after 12 months of being with them I don't have one complaint and I seem to have 4 bars reception where ever I am pretty much 24/7.

I'd recommend buddy, I hope this helps.
Vodafone have been brilliant with me. Left fo GiffGaff for a month but ended up right back on Vodafone, everything from customer service to service has been second to none


ClioSport Club Member
vodafone are good, if you ring and complain they sort it out straight away.

so far iv had £50 back from them plus a free sure signal box through complaing.

i also get great signal every where apart from my house (which has now been solved with the sure signal device)

if i was to rate them it would be as so:

value for money 7/10
signal 9/10 (after instaling sure signal at home)
customer services 10/10
vodafone are good, if you ring and complain they sort it out straight away.

so far iv had £50 back from them plus a free sure signal box through complaing.

i also get great signal every where apart from my house (which has now been solved with the sure signal device)

if i was to rate them it would be as so:

value for money 7/10
signal 9/10 (after instaling sure signal at home)
customer services 10/10

They once sent a phone to my home address instead of my uni one. Sent a new phone to my uni address plus £10 for the inconvenience. Never picked up the original phone they delivered either!
  Citroen DS3 DSport
My 12 month contract with Vodafone is about to come to a end and I think I will move elsewhere. 3G service has been patchy at best and often I can have a full 3G signal displayed but web browsing is not possible and pages simply hang. This can happen in many locations including Glasgow city centre where I would think they would offer a good service.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I had been a O2 customer for years and the 3G data service with them was much better and more reliable.

I'm going to trial Three for a month using a PAYG sim and see how they perform in areas I need to use my phone. The data plan I had for my iPad worked great.
O2 have always been good for me. Never tried Vodaphone so cant comment on them.

I recently moved to Tesco Mobile, on their iPhone 4 deal. They use O2's signal, but in my area, I actually get better signal than what I did on O2.


ClioSport Club Member
You may aswell have asked "Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler"

Phone companies are all as bad as eachother, but Orange are by far the worst at the moment since they merged with t-mobile. I never get signal.

3 seem to be the best at the moment though.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Tesco Mobile are a alternative option I am considering. 1250 minutes, 5000 texts and 1gb data for £20 per month on a 12 month sim only contract.
Tesco Mobile are a alternative option I am considering. 1250 minutes, 5000 texts and 1gb data for £20 per month on a 12 month sim only contract.

I know 4 people on tesco, they all love the cheapness, all hate the signal.
Never have any issues with orange myself :S Out of the two voda have been better from experience at work, for internet at least anyway. All depends on your area.
