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'03 Clio to Pioneer HU

  Clio 172 Cup
Before I order, could someone confirm what I need to do the job.

I believe I should need:

* Autoleads PC99-X12 Renault Multistalk Adaptor
* Autoleads PC99-PIO Pioneer Stalk Adapter

But wouldn't mind a sanity check :)
  Clio 172 Cup
Picked up yesterday and now have decent sound and iPod connectivity :D

A nightmare to fit in the HU space though, as you've got all the ISO block adapters that use so much space - Renault to Autoleads, then Autoleads to Pionerr, as well as the iPod box, stuffing them as far back inside the dash left me with bloody hands!

Not fitted the stalk adpater yet, as that involves taking the dash off as it connects to the interface at the back of the clock. Will probably do at the same time as the tweeters in that case...

Went for a blat last night and realised quite how bad the factory unit is, as the speakers can cope with a lot more noise without distorting now, so it was the amp that was the weak link. Still, some nice Rainbow speakers should finish it off.
  BMW M135i
Bit late now but you should have gone for the InCarTec one as that connected to the yellow iso plug and saves the hassle of taking the dash top off. Although the dash top is pretty easy to get off, can get mine off in about 5 mins now.
