I got 1.2 dynamique (same thing) and it was £149 (that was service at its menu price of £130 less 10% discount from a letter I had, plus rear drums cleaned - they were squeeking £26? and a new back wiper £7) It took 3 hours and I could c them working! BOOK it in even for renault minute btw! If you go to reno website and search dealers you can find the set price for your car service, shop around.
THey did come over with a huge list of stuff to suggest but they were basically saying, here is what we have to try and sell u and here is what needs done no pushyness...
LIST what they suggested:
tyres 2x front at 2.0 and 2.2mm on outer edge only - £100 each
brake pads 50% worn, may not last to next service so suggest change £60?
front wipers £30+!
coolant top up £5
In my opinion, brakes 50% worn after 18000miles should last another 15 no probs so why change! and £30 for front wipers is steep!
I was pleases with the service, they done handbrake, brakes, and all the other stuff and levels and that and stamped the book (leave it out on the seat for them!) Arnold Clark east lane Paisley.