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1.2 newbie build

  renult clio 1.2 16v
hey guys, fairly new to this shinanagins but want to be a part of it

only done slight mods to my clio i am looking to do alot more (first car only 17)
lemme know what you think tips feed back more than welcome

i can take a good slagging so feel free where it is required ;)

happy christmas
  renult clio 1.2 16v
orite mate, wasnt sure i thought the dents hahaha
was up for anything really
thanks for the compliment
im thinking superlaggeras lowerd fron to same size as rear and thats it really :)!
more pics to come

sounds good, my cars been keyed 3 times down the side (f*cking scum)... so i cant talk about paintwork!

Make sure you go either 15" or 16" with the alloys otherwise 17" will make it look silly :)

You going low via springs or coilovers?

I got myself some 40mm apex springs for xmas, will post up how it all looks after they're fitted :D
  renult clio 1.2 16v
lol gutted matey! yeah 17 is to big adds to much weight ;)
and not sure yet probably coilovers not 100% not a mechanical type of guy
what do you suggest?
and merry crimbo for you hahaha!
yeah lemme know gimme the link to the photos chief! be good to see

  Clio mk2 phase 2
alright bud its a nice little car youve got there.
your best bet if you want low is to get 15" alloys and coilovers.
i had 16's but i felt they were too big . if coilovers are out of budget try 70 or 60mm lowering springs .
and about the mechanical side coilovers are just the same to fit a springs are only difference is that you manually lower the coilies :p
I havnt read any of the other replies really, but with regards of lowering go coilovers and 15's. I tried just some 60mm springs and they were terrible and broke my shocks in no time. Havnt looked back since after fitting coillies. I have a project thread up if you want to take a look (comes up under 'iOllieSM's 1.2 dynamique) , otherwise there are millions of others on here for ideas :)
