You do this car buying malary weird tbh. At the end of the day most folk look at a car, then assuming they want it try to drop the you were sorta right i got about 10 mins away and she rang upmsaying shed had a better offer of 2500 can i match it i said i couldnt but still turned up and shes give me £40.00 for the fuel but it only cost me £20 so i £ds in
You do this car buying malary weird tbh. At the end of the day most folk look at a car, then assuming they want it try to drop the you were sorta right i got about 10 mins away and she rang upmsaying shed had a better offer of 2500 can i match it i said i couldnt but still turned up and shes give me £40.00 for the fuel but it only cost me £20 so i £ds in
To me someone trying to do a deal on the phone or on a forum is having a laugh. Ok so you want to know what a sellers bottom line is, tbh you should at least be able to cover their asking price & hope to knock some off.
If I were selling & you asked me what the least i'd take was (without seeing it) i'd ask you to see the car & point out that I want as near to the asking price as poss.
well if i was and were sellin id probally come up and get it without seeing it properly but i wouldnt want a blue vee black maybe^ well, like I said it's a good job i'm not selling & your not in the market for a mint vee.
End of really.
You do this car buying malary weird tbh. At the end of the day most folk look at a car, then assuming they want it try to drop the price.
To me someone trying to do a deal on the phone or on a forum is having a laugh. Ok so you want to know what a sellers bottom line is, tbh you should at least be able to cover their asking price & hope to knock some off.
If I were selling & you asked me what the least i'd take was (without seeing it) i'd ask you to see the car & point out that I want as near to the asking price as poss.
ive brought like 12 cars without seeing them and she said she wanted 2300 for it ,that was her asking price. if i look at a car see pics and get a good description on it ill trust there word go down and if its not as they sa they are ill nock it down . my dad and uncle have been in the trade for 30+years and they work like this ,its all about a buyer seller trust and if youcan have this youll have a good sale/buy .obviously you dont work like this but thats your choice and ive vertually purchased all my cars par the 1 this way and it all turned uot good so far
I'm after a Ferrari 430, Want a red one with under 20k, But I've only got £21,000 to spend, Im so annoyed I cant find can anyone help![]()