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17 years Later I’m back!!

  Clio 1.8 16v
Hi Guys, a quick reintroduction to you all. I’ve had to start a new account because for the life of me I can’t remember what I used 17+ years ago as petrol headed youngster more interested in burning a new cd to test my bass tube out to full potential and buying more fragrant magic trees to dangle from my rear view mirror than passwords and user names! .. Anyway, my cars, used to have a lovely MK1 facelift model 16v in Naples Red. Nice little car with subtle mods, Ace 112’s and a gentle drop to suit. Sold this and never returned...... until now! (I say now, 3 years ago actually) I moved up the newer car ladder to a point where I couldn’t stop looking over my shoulder at those early ones I had and how I wish I still had them!! So I decided to go on the hunt!!! And to my shock the 16v’s seemed non existent!!! Anywhere! Not even a shoddy heavily modded wreck! A good few months passed and I was still looking... in the meantime I’d purchased a lovely White, original 205 1.9 Gti (boooo hisssss) but again, always wanted another one, price was right (just before the big boom) and I will never sell it now. Anyway... a good 6/8 month had passed, still looking for a 16v and then tardaaaaar! One appeared! Which I snapped up!! Some of you older members may had seen it before as I believe the guy was a fringe member on some forums with this project valver. It is a MK1 phase1 16v on a J plate! Phase1 seats the lot! So I paid the man up and had it couriered waaaaay down south to me (baring in mind I bought this blind). It arrived and I couldn’t have been happier, I awe! I had one again! And a phase1 too!! After staring it it for 2/3 days I decided to get to work on it! A thorough once over was the first thing! The car had been off the road for 11 years as it was so you can imagine what I may have found! I’d been told it had a core plug problem and wasn’t holding water as well as being garaged for years! I myself am just a Saturday afternoon tinkerer at best, this required my mechanic mates expertise and equipment and therefore I have just been the shadow during the restoration thus far! I do believe the car was sold due to the previous owner realising the mountain needed to climb to bring it back to life! And the depth of ones pocket! But I always knew it was a project... hence 3 years later! .... 3 years later, we are a week or so away from it’s First MOT in 14 years!!! She’s alive again! A few welds from the welder and it should be able to come home! (It’s been at the garage since arrival) I’ve had numerous 5hr round trips to see Mr Mat Brown, the saviour as well as posted parts from him, germany, France and even Bulgaria! But we are nearly there! For now here are a couple of pictures of my old Naples red one (sporting the Cliosport badge) and my latest lifer which will be with me for the long run!


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  Clio 172 Cup
Welcome back! Do love a 16v.. definitely don't see enough of these on the road these days!!

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Welcome back and glad you found another mk1 and again nice that you're restoring it to presumably pretty much as standard as you can. If you haven't already you should join the mk1 16V Facebook groups, we're an odd lot us mk1 owners but welcome all with open arms :ROFLMAO:
