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172 alcantara bobbling



On my drivers seat, started bobbling a little on the alcantara, just were you sit all the time. This just down to wear and tear or is there anyway of gettin rid of this bobbling effect? Short of stripping it and lobbing it in wash with Daz automatics new anti bobble formulae


Lol, good advice sherlock, mechanic are you?

Anyone some decent advice?

Little Newms

ClioSport Club Member
  182, D2 Td5 & 840CI

Just be like my bro.... gets in so carefull, no creass in his seats or nowt, not even the leather had creased at the sides like all do


Well the leathers spot on, gets fed and treated loads so its like new, just my gay ass jeans thatll be knackering the alcantara, boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo">

or just get the material of these guys-they do black. dirt cheap an all

you can use a razor and shave the bobbles off, something like a bic, use the other halfs leg razor, ps this is a serious post , try it you will find it works


Quote: Originally posted by 182blue on 13 November 2004
you can use a razor and shave the bobbles off, something like a bic, use the other halfs leg razor, ps this is a serious post , try it you will find it works

Cheers, Ill give that a whirl

DONT use a manual one mate use an electric one! Phillishave or something. Mins it will wear quicker though!
