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172 Cams



Can anyone give diagrams or explain as to what the proble with my 172 is ?? Spoken to renault and they reckon that the bearing has gone on the tensioner, again It makes a squelling noice not high pitch as in a sliping belt but more like a rubbing. The is also a rattling noise coming form lower down in the engine (doesnt sound good to me!!) I had modified cams and pulleys fitted 4k ago, so how can this have occured again, is there any chance of the belt snapping as cant get it to the dealers till tues.

I know it difficult without looking but any ideas/thoughts would be apprecited so I least have an idea what theyre talking about, as I want to know what reasons are and why this has happened agian.

Also 2k after being replaced the centre section of the exhaust has cracked again and the dreaded rattle is back.

Am really f**ked off with it and want some serious answers. A letter is definitley going to renault. The car is has done 16k is 16mths old and when it goes in on wednesday for the exhaust, this will be its 14th day off the road since April!!!! I know everyone has there fair share of issues, but the same problems occuring in such a short time frame is not accpetable.
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

cant help with ur question m8, but where did u get the pulleys n cams done? getn mine done soon and jus tryin to find out how much of a difference it makes, did u get chip with that setup? other mods? thanks :oops:

as long as there is enough tension on your belt it should be fine.

The tensioner is just a pulley on an eccentric spindle.

Talk to the people who did the work since they would of made the problem most probably.

And how can you have adj pulleys on the inlet cam, the cam phaser is situated there.
  Clio 1.6 16V

If youve had modified cams fitted Im suprised that Reno would entertain you under warranty anyway, or have you told them (unlikely they would notice!)? Modified cams normally mean higher and quicker valve lift which takes much more effort to reciprocate. This creates more dynamic stresses on the timing belt and tensioner.

Regards the exhaust, I got rid of my standard exhaust early on ..... no more rattles and tinging ... but lurvly sporty sound ....which masks all the other rattles and squeaks .... LOL;)

Anyway, what cams/pulleys did you have fitted ..... any different?



lol, No, major missing understanding here, Renault fitted modfied parts from the originals, due to this squeking noise occuring. This is a re-occurance of the same problem, even though the modified parts should have stopped this occuring. The modified parts are from a technical note on the 172 engine, that in the event that the customer complains of excessive noise then the replacement parts are available.

Well thats what they told me. However, this really sounds like a rubbing noise, I got the AA out last time and they towed the car straight to the dealer, however, renault told me that there was never a risk that the Cambelt would have snapped.

If Id had performence cams fitted then Im sure renault would not have entertain my warranty.
