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172 Cup Newbie in Lincolnshire

  MX5 Elise111s
Hi Everyone

I am a bit of an oldie for a newbie but have taken the plunge and bought a 172 Cup (blue of course) after looking at 10 others. I am hoping to take it out for a spin at the track day at Blyton Park on Saturday (21 April).
Is anyone else going?

It was a bit of a struggle finding the right car (I hope) at the right price and ended up paying a bit more than I wanted but there were quite a few sheds out there with rattly engines. Not everything is perfect though as it is missing the front splitter. Can anyone say whether I will notice any difference?

I am intending to run it as it is first then possibly do one or two small mods such as better pads but it is likely after the weekend I will need to look at some new tyres. Any advice there would be welcome. I am looking for something that will be suitable for track day use but wear well and not cost a fortune. I want to stay legal and not upset my insurance company so will avoid semislicks ( for now). Saturday should be quite fun with Cooper Zeon XTCs on the front and well worn Hero Milanza HZ1s on the rear. Anyone any experience of these?

Glad to be joining you all

  MX5 Elise111s
Thanks for the invite, Phil, but unfortunately can't make May 6th as my son is kart racing that day and I am his mechanic.

You , by the way are about half my age so I must be a golden oldie. Whenever I went to look at a car I was asked if I was buying it for someone else. I am just trying to relive my youth.

I will no doubt be picking your brains at some point in the very near future so thanks for the offer.
  RB 197
Hi Ken welcome to the forum. Hope you're enjoying the Cup, I recently sold mine to buy another 182 :) Only down the road in Saxilby. Enjoy!
  MX5 Elise111s
Thanks, Melissa. Are you enjoying the 182? My 172 cup is costing me a few bob after a track day at Blyton Park. Brakes, tyres and windscreen :-( Do you track yours?
  RB 197
It's my 2nd 182 lol. I started off with an RB 182 then i bought a ph1 172 then i went onto owning a 172 Cup and now i'm back to a 182. Just trying them all out for size :) I tracked my first 182 and hope to get this one to Cadwell in Summer (weather permitting) You planning on taking yours out?
  MX5 Elise111s
Silly question maybe but what is a RB?
I am looking to do a couple more track days at Blyton Park before venturing further afield, maybe Cadwell next. I need to acquire a bit more expertise first as in trying too hard I do have the odd spin. At Blyton, as there is a lot of run off, that's normally not a problem but last time I was at Cadwell with my son a guy put his Honda S2000 into the armco, ouch! I am finding front wheel drive to be a bit of a learning curve after doing my first track day in an MX5. I did buy the Cup specifically to do track days and have been surprised at how few I see on track. If you haven't tried Blyton it's worth a go. Last weekend with Apex it cost £100 for two of us to drive which is great value. Most folks who turn up say they are definitely coming back.
