Maybe its just me...
Maybe its the 93 octane fuel and 1500m altitude...
Maybe I got a dud car...
...but my mk1 172 isnt the monster I always imagined it to be.
Look I can get wheelspin in second, Ive toasted modified Honda Civic Vtecs (admit it wasnt a R-type but simply the 1.6 118kW version), ive taken Uno Turbos, ive even beaten a 540i (which most people tell me was impossible, but I was there and his wheelspin off the line tells me he was trying).
Apart from the 1st gear pull from about 4000rpm till the 5000rpm burst of power all the way till the gear change light comes on, Im just not too impressed with the car.
Maybe I need to try a track day, maybe I need a little piece of paper which will remind me of how quickly I can get the car to cover 400m, maybe I need to get down to a newly discovered hooning spot near me, but Im just a bit disappointed in the car. Even when I bought it I had this nagging thought that that yes, its much faster than my 1.4 16V Clio but its just not what I thought it was going to be.
Do I need a shrink? Do i need a V6? Maybe the power Im lusting after can only be found in a 5 litre V8 (but then again I like small cars so a V8 monster would be...well...would be just too large).
Sigh...what do i do? Im broke so I cant modify the engine. Im a motor engeneering nightmare (I open up the bonnet, look at the battery and say "Wonder what this thing is for?" )
I need help peeps and I need it now...
If every member could mail 1 pound to the "Help viceroy out fund" I should have enough banana leaves to get myself a decent decat zorst, a Unichip, a nice replacement air filter and maybe even a new fuel pressure regulator.
Legal stuff!
The author of this post will bear no responsibility for the actions of any who read this, nor will he be held responsible if anyone reads anything into this post other than Im stiing at work bored out of my skull and I needed to do something which involved typing so I could show my boss that I am indeed doing something which looks very much like JSP coding