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172 steering wheel change

  Chocolate Bar™

disconnect battery to be safe. feel behind the wheel and there should be two lugs on the back of the 'spokes' these need to be pushed out, by pushing to the side. then the airbag should pop out. remove it carefully, and disconnect the airbag using the little renault wire connector - you know the sort lol

steering wheel is then connected with a conventional bolt. remove this, then reverse to put wheel back on. but make sure the airbag is clipped in well, as mine popped out on one side lol you'll know as all the gaps will be uniform :)

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Dont remove the bolt completly, loosen it away a bit then pull the wheel off. Then you can take the bolt and the wheel off. Saves getting a sore face!!
  Clown Car
When handling an air bag, never touch any exposed terminal pins on the back, put a small piece of black insulation tape over them(if it is that type)static in your fingers could set them off.

When carrying an air bag always carry it close to your chest with the base your side and the bag facing out/forward.

When you have removed air bag it should be stored in a lockable steel box or cage, obviously you will not have one to hand so put it in boot base down/face up.

As someone else has said disconnect battery.

when you have refitted air bag, close all doors and windows, switch on ignition, then reconnect battery, so if it goes off it is not in your face.

It may bring on the air bag warning light which the dealer will probably have to reset.

Never ever do any testing of the air bag electrical system with a air bag in place and connected, disconnect them and use a suitable resistor to simulate air bag.

I used to service and repair air bag systems as part of my job and i have seen some horrific videos/pictures of people not adhering to those rules.
  clio mk2 1.2 16v
Easy job but like wots bin sed, be very careful. Better avin 2 people on the job and dnt rush it
