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172 the standard back box fell off

  Trophy #392
Hi I was driving along and my backbox has decided to just drop off and was dragging along, I jacked the car up and had a look I fort the pipe would of been rusted away or something but it's just come off where the seal is to the pipe so I think I could just bolt it back on? I'm am going to get a performance exhaust anyway but no where is open till tuesday would it be ok to drive it without a back box till then? I don't really drive and big distances or for a long time.... Any help appreciated.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Welcome to Renault ownership, ive driven without one on my old 106 gti for a few days till my replacement came, apart from it sounding like s**t and drinking fuel it was fine.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Drove my supercharged one without a back box on! f**king hell, loud was not the word! Were you there that night Dan!?
  182, SQ7, Trafic
I am :) Gonna buy a 182 and probably leave it standard.....we'll see how long that lasts lol!

YHPM too ;)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Standard fitment IIRC.


realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
I drove mine around for nearly 2 weeks without a back box while I waited for my appointment to have a new one fitted. It was livable up to 3k then after that it really did make the ears bleed lol. I will never forget that 40 mile trip on the motorway to get the new one fitted:S.

Make sure remove the back box to prevent any accident in the mean time...


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Also keep it in your boot incase you get pulled over.

'it just fell off, honest gov'


ClioSport Club Member
  LY 200 EDC
My phase Clio 172 did exactly the same thing, it damaged the centre section as well in the process. The OE back box and the centre section worked out to be exactly the same price (£235ish) as the K Tec Stealth system in mild steel so i bought that instead
  Trophy #392
Lol great quality build from Renault, I have been driving around with my backbox off now since the 1st post it was loud as he'll and when it got to 4k with my foot slammed it actually sounded like a f1 car, just got a exhaust fitted from custom chrome in Nuneaton and I'm happy with that now lol hope nothing else starts falling off :(
  Mondial 172Cup (A/C)
haha! the exact same thing happened to mine in mid-november.... have driven it everyday since with no back box... it sounds awesome when you boot it... finally had my new exhaust delivered today tho... ordered 25th november 2010... delivered 17th january 2011... thats surely got to be a record for shite royal mail service?! lol

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
haha! the exact same thing happened to mine in mid-november.... have driven it everyday since with no back box... it sounds awesome when you boot it... finally had my new exhaust delivered today tho... ordered 25th november 2010... delivered 17th january 2011... thats surely got to be a record for shite royal mail service?! lol

Not if it was dispatched on the 16th of jan lol.
