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182 doesn't start first time, but will second time

  PH2 172
Sadly with these cars there can be multiple faults leading to identical symptoms. So no one fix for all.
This is true, though if the old battery is getting on a bit, replacement can be seen as preventive maintenance in other respects, and if it cures this problem, a big plus before ploughing bigger money into much more expensive options with no guarantee that is the cause.
Hi guys,

Just as an update, without having changed anything the car will now start first time every time when cold rather than having to go through the double prime / ignition live routine before cranking. Not sure what's changed but maybe it's the colder weather?!

  PH2 172
Hi guys,

Just as an update, without having changed anything the car will now start first time every time when cold rather than having to go through the double prime / ignition live routine before cranking. Not sure what's changed but maybe it's the colder weather?!


You may have a point, but what about hot starts?
  Clio 182 FF
Hi all,

My Clio 182 has just developed a fault in the past few weeks of not always starting first thing in the morning after having been parked up over night. It will splutter briefly into life and then stall, but is guaranteed to start up fine on the second attempt.

Having done some reading, it seems to suggest that the TDC sensor may be a culprit. Is this right? Are there any other easy checks to make?

Have you found the fault as my 182 is doing exactly the same , most 1st starts will start but immediately stall , I have changed my TDC sensor too (crankshaft sensor)



The issue seemed to resolve itself and still don't know what changed.

The only related thing which followed was an injector failed a few months later.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
My injector failed after a few months of it. All four replaced, never happened again


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Mine has started doing this recently. Had a slight hesitation and flashing eml a few weeks back but cleared itself. Most likely injector I guess but with it running fine dont know whether to bother!
  Clio 182 FF
For the last 20 starts it has been fine, no problems at all. Seems as if though it has fixed itself, just waiting for something to go wrong or a eml to show up.

Car has had two new injectors around 3 years ago, so two are still probably original


ClioSport Club Member
  BG FF 182
I think the problem is due to hotter ambient temperatures overnight. I’m suspecting the fuel pump/regulator is allowing the pressure to release when the ambient temperature is hotter.
